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Posts posted by Neo

  1. [color="#9932CC"]However look at the ones we are nominating. Aside from Mafia, Hark, and Bullet everyone we are nominating is challenging the x-league atm (except for Saya who is being a missy show off pants, and doing normal league again). So maybe the badges [u]are[/u] the criteria. If it even comes down to it wynaut take all the nominated people, and have them do an RR. Top 7 get in.[/color]
  2. [color="#9932CC"]I'd be willing to host, since I don't work often and I've graduated already. As long as we have fresh things to talk about every time then it should do fine. (This will give me the chance to use my "media" voice like when I was school anchor man.)[/color]
  3. [color="#9932CC"]You all have seen my signature sprite: [img]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/150-2.png[/img]. Well here is his back story.

    His name is Nuraihyon. He is half yokai his father was a yokai whilst his mother was human. (Much like my own parents but that is tl;dr) At night he transforms into his present form. He wanders around protecting smaller yokai, and harvesting the souls of the impure.[/color]
  4. [color="#9932CC"]Not much I can say Mael. I can kinda see where you are coming from, and that is actually why I've quit a community I was a part of for 6+ years. I'll be seeing you on PSN.


    (Didn't put too much due to the fact that...I'm getting massive lag right now)[/color]
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