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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Give it to Erick. Erick likes music.
  2. Can't say that I approve 100%. Gratz to everyone who got promoted.
  3. Posting sets. Thinking of sets. Making teams. Being sick. Watching Naruto. Taking meds 8 times a day. My brain hurts.

    1. Cloud


      I saw Watching Naruto and gave you two points.

    2. Yuki


      peopLe watch Naruto?

    3. Cyrus


      Needs moar Wan Piss and blah.

  4. Neo


    Seadra (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Sniper EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Surf - Dragon Pulse - Substitute - Ice Beam Wanna hear a secret? The only thing separating Kingdra and Seadra is...... Speed! Without Swift Swim Kingdra and Seadra have exactly the same Speed. Same goes for Sp. Atk. That means that if you're willing to sacrifice Speed for bulk, then Seadra is your guy. This set isn't any different from the standard Special Kingdra. The biggest difference here would be eviolite, and that's helping. I like Seadra, only because it can catch people off guard. It does a nice job of that.
  5. Neo


    Seadra (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Sniper EVs: 100 HP / 156 Def / 252 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Scald - Substitute - Toxic - Double Team Poor Seadra. You have bulk, but no real ways to use it. Here's set #1. This is more of a failed attempt at a Gligar. It can wall pretty okay, but other than that it can't do anything. If you wanna troll, it can be your cup of tea.
  6. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  7. Neo


    Koffing (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Will-O-Wisp - Stockpile - Pain Split - Thunderbolt /Flamthrower Hey! Remember how Weezing was a joke? Koffing tells those people laughing at his big brother to SHUT THE FUCK UP! This little dude makes for some nice trolling. His defense sits at a cool 476 while his Sp. Def. sits at a cool 284. Throw in Stockpile, and what do you get? A whole lot of hurt. Will-O-Wisp tells Physical Attackers to gtfo. (Unless they are Conkeldurp. :c) Pain Split is there for healing, and pissing people off. The last spot is up to you.
  8. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  9. Neo


    Tentacool (F) @ Eviolite Trait: Liquid Ooze / Rain Dish EVs: 76 HP / 252 Def / 108 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Toxic Spikes - Rapid Spin - Scald - Ice Beam Ever hear anyone say "OH darn. I wish my Tentacruel had more bulk"? No? Well then I must be crazy. Anyway, here's minicruel. His job functions just like his more badass evolution. You have the ability to set up and spin away hazards. Then you have the standard coverage moves. This little squid may be annoying, but he's got some bulk on 'em.
  10. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  11. Neo


    Maelstrom Wartortle (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Rain Dish EVs: 200 HP / 76 Def / 52 SAtk / 180 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Substitute - Scald - Toxic / Iron Defense - Ice Beam / Magic Coat Guess who inspired this little dandy here? Anyway, Wartortle is surprisingly bulky. This is a sort of pseudo-wall set. Wartortle can sub up, and do what it wants. If it wants to sweep. Be my guest. However, you won't get far. That's why this is more of a wall. He can inflict steady damage, get the type coverage he needs, and still be bulky. Substitute is almost a given, since Rain Dish will have the damage healed off in no time.
  12. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  13. Neo


    I didn't see Swagger. Because Cloud has none.
  14. Neo


    What's the point of Foul Play without anything to help you utilize it? You can't rely on the opponent to just boost for you.
  15. Should I start posting the most outrageous sets I have? Or save them for a rainy day?

    1. Maelstrom


      What do you mean by outrageous? *suspicious squint*

    2. Hyouka
    3. Cloud
  16. Ever see Slaking with Hustle? He's a monster.
  17. Must post sets!!

  18. Neo


    Set provided by Serebii. http://serebii.net/potw-bw/366.shtml
  19. Neo


    Set provided by Serebii. http://serebii.net/potw-bw/366.shtml
  20. Neo


    This isn't actually my set, but if it made it to Serebii's front page it must be worth while. http://serebii.net/potw-bw/366.shtml
  21. Well, if it has the number 2​ in the title I'm gonna go on a big limb, and call it a sequel. Who knows I could be wrong.
  22. It's actually pretty fun to do. I should have a log where I was volleying Hydration and Storm Drain back and forth. It was hilarious.
  23. Going to the doctor and being told I'm fine, yet I feel worse with every day that passes.
  24. Neo


    [quote name='Dominus' timestamp='1331164014' post='27325'] You try shooting mael... he smashes you with his flaming hammer [/quote] [img]http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/619/136/5db/resized/spiderman-meme-generator-bitch-please-e5eb22.jpg[/img]
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