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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  2. Neo


    Magmar (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Flame Body EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 6 SAtk / 150 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Flamethrower - ThunderPunch - Toxic - Barrier If you've seen my Electabuzz, then you get the gist of this. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1142&st=0&p=26527entry26527 <-- The set btw.
  3. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  4. Neo


    Phanpy (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Sand Veil EVs: 150 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Def / 100 SDef Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Earthquake - Ice Shard / Seed Bomb - Toxic - Substitute BAM! Bulky little elephant. He's bulky as fuck, and can dish out the hits pretty decently. EQ is his main STAB. Ice Shard serves as a flying deterrent, while Toxic and Sub help your walling. Otherwise this set is pretty self-explanatory.
  5. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  6. Neo


    Mantyke (F) @ Eviolite Trait: Water Absorb EVs: 150 HP / 108 Def / 252 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Scald - Toxic - Confuse Ray - Protect Mantyke is a sexy beast. Eviolite takes his already great Sp. Def to 558. Jellicent can go sit in the PC for a bit. This thing's capability as a special wall is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaat. Toxic wears down walls, Confuse Ray fucks with everyone, and Protect makes sure you know what they're coming at you with.
  7. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  8. Neo


    Teddiursa (F) @ Eviolite Trait: Pickup EVs: 252 HP / 6 Atk / 100 Def / 150 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Crunch - Return - Bulk Up - Superpower Awww yeah. This cute little Teddi Bear is amazing. Crunch Crunch Crunch Psychics who might wanna try to laugh at you. Return + 255 happiness is amazing. Bulk Up boosts your sexyish defense, and ups your attack. From there, that's where Superpower comes in. You can safely use Superpower without having to worry about the stat drop.
  9. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  10. Neo


    Magcargo (M) @ Leftovers / Air Balloon Trait: Flame Body EVs: 252 HP / 150 Def / 6 SAtk / 100 SDef Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Stockpile - Flamethrower - Toxic / Will-O-Wisp - Pain Split This is more or less a bulkier version of dodrio's set.
  11. Neo


    Slowpoke (M) @ Eviolite Trait: Regenerator EVs: 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Scald - Slack Off - Flamethrower - Toxic Hey look! Erick is posting some random eviolite set. Why the fuck does he do that? I do it because Ilovethe$R I love bulk. Anyway, Slowpoke is a bro. He has more bulk than his older brothers. Notice how this set is pretty much the same as Slowbro's. They both do the same thing, but Slowpoke's Eternal edge is that his bulk gives him an advantage. No lie, this little bro has swept sooo much on my TR triples team. Scald gives you that sweet sweet burn when you need it in addition to being a nice STAB. Slack Off heals your derpy ass, so you can live another turn. Flamethrower hits you with that sexy coverage. Toxic is so you can whittle down walls.
  12. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  13. Neo


    Shieldon (F) @ Eviolite Trait: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 6 Atk / 100 Def / 150 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Curse - Stealth Rock - Iron Head - Earthquake Hellz yeah. This little bro right here is bulky as fuck. His bulk surpasses that of his evolution even if he has 252 EVs. He's amazing despite being NU. Now time for a break down. Curse makes your defense sexy. From there it's all up to you. You can set up Stealth Rock, and then wreck shop. Iron Head is a decent STAB, not to mention that the possibility of a flinch doesn't hurt. EQ is there for the RAW power.
  14. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  15. Keep posting everyone! I'mtotallynotreadingthisforthelulz
  16. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Oh and uh.... Buffolant. Ye. Afro Bull.
  17. HE's USING THE WYNAUT WRONG!! KILL IT WITH FIRE. Welcome to Reborn. This sounds like a Gang application thread. Lol so much disapproval.
  18. ..Phazer lrn2emote. Second, why is this new kid posting random babble?
  19. $R is Reborn Rupees. The money you get paid for posting.
  20. Neo


    Banned for being a devil.
  21. I will, but I want a decent amount of $R for it.
  22. Can't say that I approve of that Maractus set.
  23. Bye Mael. Reborn'll wait for the day you return. Ready to pwn the noobs once again
  24. Neo


    Banned, because your siggy is q_q'ing too
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