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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Full proposal GO! K, so I want Darkrai to be suspected for OU. '''His main attraction is sleep. Since Sleep Clause is a standard clause, that's a huge nerf right there. So then comes other stuff. We allow SB Blaziken, he's a major nerf. From what I've tested, after 1 SB my chicken outspeeds the standard Darkrai. I'll edit with moar soon. Typing from my phone is a bitch
  2. Granted, but you can only watch gay porn. I wish my grandma would do her own damn college work.
  3. Neo

    RIP Whitney

    She was a crackhead. Great singer or not, she got what she had coming to her.
  4. I wanna see Darkrai suspected for OU. I'll type out a better proposal later.
  5. Owen. Don't make me have Maractus whoop your ass. Keldeo master race.
  6. Granted, but it's fresh from a strippers butt crack I wish for a frog :feelsgd: feelsgd
  7. Skarm's spam client is legit :J

    1. Ikaru


      >Anything of Skarm's


      Seems legit.

  8. Neo


    ^That's a good set. It's almost as funny as seeing their reactions to Multiscale Chansey.
  9. Granted, but they didn't kill the animals before giving them for you. I wish my mom would get better.
  10. Neo

    hi ._.

  11. I've ran this with Gliscor in triples, and it seems to flow pretty nicely. (Dat Synergy) I'll probably start doing that more.
  12. hmm either Tentacruel, Dewgong, or Slowbro sounds legit.
  13. In Triples Reuniclus helps a shit ton.
  14. Ikaru, replace Machamp with Machoke, and have fun wrecking LU.
  15. This isn't a full team, but it's one of my evil set ups that make people shit their pants. Machamp (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: No Guard EVs: 252 Atk / 148 Def / 108 SDef Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Ice Punch - Stone Edge - DynamicPunch - Mimic Lapras (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Hydration / Water Absorb EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 156 SDef Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Curse - Ice Shard - Rest - Sheer Cold Yup. If you haven't seen it by now, then you need to get your eyes checked. This is a Mimic+ Sheer Cold combo. The catch here is that Machamp has No Guard. Meaning that once he gets it, he can utterly wreck the other team. Yeah it's a two-turn set up, and it's kinda risky. I've used this quite a bit, and it's only failed me once. Lapras' bulk ensures that it'll survive the hits, because more often than not they are going to target her.
  16. No Guard Lapras. Nuf' said.

  17. Our Dodrio has rubbed off on me. I've become a mad Pokemon scientist.

    1. Makusho98


      turn me into pokemon ploz

  18. ;; Looks like I missed the vote.
  19. What's going to stop a Pokemon like Slowbro from coming in, and fucking you up?
  20. Seal fang: Raises all of Dewgong and Seel's stats x2.5
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