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Everything posted by Neo

  1. (19:27:28) +Amethyst: I just fucked up.

  2. Neo


    [size=6][b][i][u]THIS IS A GEN 1 SET. DO NOT ASK ABOUT EVS AND ITEMS![/u][/i][/b][/size] Venomoth (F) @ (No Item) - Toxic - Psychic - Supersonic - Whirlwind After doing some battles with Rodaku, I realized just how evil this thing was back in Gen 1. The Toxic and Whirlwind combo not only prevents the opponent from setting up, but it makes sure that you're able to whittle down the opposing team before they can do some serious damage. Supersonic prevents certain threats to Venomoth from doing any serious damage. Once you have the Confused, you have your choice of phazing them out, or you can take them out with Psychic. Either way, your opponent isn't going to be very happy with their entire team poisoned.
  3. What is this change you children are talking about? Back in my day, when someone said "this is how it is" , you shut up and took it. You kids these days and your change. Back in my day......

    1. Amethyst


      Change is good!

  4. The only reason Obama's approval ratings are so low is, because everyone is all "I don't like him", but when you ask them "why?" all they have to say is "I don't know". People need to learn about politics before they criticize the President. I think Obama has done pretty damn good for having a Republican majority in congress. EDIT: Anyone lol at how Herman Cain got four votes in Iowa?
  5. Neo


    Like I said, the set was designed for the Gen 1 metagame.
  6. If y'all want I'll step in, and take charge of the theme updates. I'm still working on the new league theme.
  7. This person doesn't have another account, as far as I'm aware. Honestly, the league(s) are great as is. If 9 people are able to defeat it (One of them was one battle away from beating it times), then anyone can do it. It isn't like the league is asking the challenger to perform brain surgery. Either you manage to defeat the league the the requirements given, or you son't challenge it at all. Simple as that.
  8. Sara Palin isn't even up this time around Winter. Quite frankly, my money is on Obama, because the Republican batch this time around is pitiful. 2012 is a bad year to be a Republican.
  9. It would probably vary by the week. Doing the podcast strictly for Reborn is going to be kinda hard, since nothing ever changes in our metagame. Although we could fill a lot of it with music, and what not..
  10. Cress: That's not what you said last night Cilan: You said that you wouldn't tell anyone! Chili: WHAT THE FUCK?
  11. I'd be willing to start the art contests back up if we got enough people.
  12. Neo


    Try to avoid posting in these without a set, because you're still getting bonus $R for posting...
  13. Neo


    Banned because if you knew how to read, you'd know that they are Gen 1 sets.
  14. He's the governor of Texas, and he's running for President. He's really giving my state a bad name..
  15. Neo


    Banned for being banned before.
  16. Okay, since the last time this was discussed nothing went through, and the "Reborn Radio" project fell through, I've decided to open discussion of this again. I have everything set up, and ready if we were to do a podcast. I'd just move Trick Room Radio to Reborn. If you guys are still up for this, I'll gladly do it. Oh, and if it does go through, and you're interested in being on the show contact me by PM on the forums.
  17. Neo


    Kingler (F) @ (No Item) - Swords Dance - Crabhammer - Body Slam - Substitute Kingler, easily one of my favorite Gen 1 Pokemon. Anyway, on to the description, because I'm certainly not bullshitting to make my set description a little longer than usual. That's absurd. Swords Dance boosts his pretty amazing attack making making just about every attack he makes hurt a shit ton. Crabhammer is without a doubt his best STAB, and Body Slam is for filler/coverage more or less. Substitute makes sure that he can take a couple Special hits, because his horrid Special stat makes sure that anything with a pulse is going to knock him out.
  18. Neo


    It's a Gen 1 set Mach. Didn't you notice my first sentence, and the lack of EVs?
  19. Neo


    Electrode @ (No Item) - Light Screen - Reflect - Thunder Wave - Thunderbolt Dual Screens Electrode is pretty amazing. He outspeeds just about everyone, so it is ensured that you're gonna get your screens out before they can do damage. T-wave cripples sweepers, and T-bolt is your best way of dealing damage.
  20. Neo


    Magneton @ (No Item) - Thunderbolt - Toxic - Substitute - Rest Walls everywhere!!! Magneton is yet another amazing Gen 1 wall. With his massive 338 Special. I'm pretty sure this set doesn't need any explanations.
  21. Neo


    To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  22. Tentacruel (F) @ (No Item) - Barrier - Surf - Toxic - Substitute Walls are cruel. Tentacruel's massive special stat makes him a decent special wall, and I say decent because Gen 1 was dominated by Psychics. Barrier takes your "okay" defense, and shoots it through the roof. Toxic and sub for wall/stalling while Surf is your main STAB that ensures you can dish out even more damage.
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