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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    Primeape (M) @ (No Item) - Seismic Toss - Rock Slide - Mega Punch - Take Down The only way this thing is even usable in Gen 1. Even then, he's not the best choice in a Psychic dominated metagame. The set is pretty much self-explanatory, since it uses Primeape's only viable moves.
  2. Neo


    Chansey (F) @ (No Item) - Softboiled - Toxic - Substitute - Psychic Le Gen 1 wonder. Chansey TANKS the special dominated Gen 1 metagame. With a cool 308 special Chansey has no trouble brushing off the likes of Slowbro and Mewtwo. Softboiled is an excellent healing move, that keeps your HP up after subbing. Toxic adds to Chansey's stalling ability, and Psychic utilizes her massive special stat.
  3. Neo


    Mew @ (No Item) - Substitute - Toxic - Psychic - Softboiled Aye wey. WallMew is pretty damn good. Sub and Toxic for stalololololololololing. Psychic is Mew's main STAB, and best way of dealing damage, and Softboiled is there to heal off damage from subbing. Sorry this description is short, but the set is basically self-explanatory.
  4. Neo


    Mew @ (No Item) - Swords Dance - Earthquake - Take Down - Softboiled The Gen 1 jack of all trades. This set is surprisingly viable. SD to boost your pretty decent attack. Earthquake gets pretty decent coverage, and give you a way of hitting Gengar. Take Down is there solely for the fact that it's the next best thing Mew gets. Softboiled helps you heal off the damage taken from Take Down.
  5. Neo


    Snorlax (F) @ (No Item) - Amnesia - Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is indeed a special Snorlax for use in Gen 1. Amnesia takes his Special to a pretty damn good area (Just a little shy of Slowbro) The elemental trinity of attacks gives you excellent coverage.
  6. Neo


    Persian (F) @ (No Item) - Substitute - Slash - Rest - Body Slam Meet the hax master. In Gen 1 Slash crits all the time, so that's nice. Body Slam is in case you want to try your luck at paralyzing the opponent. Rest is to heal up from subbing.
  7. Neo


    Whoo more Gen 1 sets from Erick Starmie @ (No Item) - Reflect - Light Screen - Psychic - Surf Since PO is fucked up Dual Screens lasts forever, so permanent 1/2 damage is damn good. Psychic and Surf are Starmie's best STABs if you intended to keep it out, and abuse the fact that he's Psychic (and therefore OP) for a bit.
  8. Mach, if you ain't got anything nice to say, then don't even post on his "blog"..
  9. Yuki, you might wanna make your suggestion on the second Pokemon project, since this one has been long dead.. [color=#800080][i]Finished*[/i][/color] [color=#800080][i]~Ikaru[/i][/color]
  10. I'll have mine in soon.. I was doing a PMV until I realized that I couldn't...
  11. Welcome to Reborn. Have fun~ burning in hell.
  12. I'm going insane.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyrus


      It's June allover again.

    3. Yuki


      What are you even talking about?^o.o

    4. Cyrus



  13. Why have SD on Shao, if it is meant to receive a Baton Pass from a Ninjask that is already rocking SD?
  14. Y U NO Look at when the last reply was? Yeesh, necromancing up the ass.
  15. You're stupid because you don't use proper grammar, and Hark (aka Slut, Flareon) is a boy.
  16. Stuff that does not belong in the rest of the forums. This doesn't really belong anywhere, so GG
  17. You're stupid because you don't get the joke.
  18. Off Topic from the rest of the forums ≠ Useless
  19. Mach, didn't we already talk about threads like this?
  20. Neo


    Banned for following me.
  21. You're stupid because you like men , because you like Flareon.
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