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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    [color=#800080]Such poor sentence structure by the people complaining about the original posters English. Anyway I do believe this person just would like to know about Reborn, and how out views on life here is. Now for the reason I posted here in the first place.[/color] [color=#800080]Why would you leave this wonderful place? if not, explain why you don't want to leave.[/color] I'll more than likely be taking a leave soon, since there are things brewing here, that I want to have no part of. [color=#800080]Are you the only one who feelin like something wrong with this place, if not then explain why you would stay?[/color] I can guarantee that I'm not the only one who not only feels that something is wrong, but knows that not all is right in the land of Reborn. [color=#800080]What is your future here? If not here, then where else?[/color] I'm attempting to "tolerate" everything that is going on here, but it is turning out to be increasingly difficult, so I doubt I'll be staying here any longer. I've become too engrossed in my work to have time to deal with people, and their petty squabbles. [color=#800080]Is there any goals you want to complete before leaving? If your not leaving, explain your goals and how are you planning to complete them.[/color] I think that the only goals I have remaining here as the following: (A.) I finish the new league them (B.) Justice. [color=#800080]Your goal have been completed, how do you feel?[/color] Both goals are en route towards completion quite soon. My views on leaving just might just change when they are completed.
  2. Taking your weak ass hits like SkarmBliss motherfucker~

  3. [color=#800080]Yes Ame I understand there are more mature ways of doing this, but we have seen where THAT has gotten me. When I try to talk with you in a civilized manner all I get it "We'll see what we can do" or "Just Ignore it". Honestly this is like the one way I can actually get someone to see what I have to say. The thread for instance. I objected in a quiet civilized manner, and oh looky it was deleted within 10 minutes. I'm trying to get my point across, and acting like a nun has got me nowhere in the past, so pardon me if I'm a bit blunt.[/color]
  4. [color=#800080]Bro I'll post that thread right back only. Only to have Ame take it down so somebody doesn't get all butt hurt over it. Seriously. Ya'll can come at me with your best shot, but I can guarantee mine will be 10 times worse. Oh and FYI you were the catalyst in the whole scenario that lead me to post the damn thread Mashew. Like I said I', not going to back down, so have fun~[/color] [color="#800080"]I'm not openly opposing the rules, but we ALL know how big of A-holes you two can be when you guys get a stick shoved where the sun don't shine. Seeing as a certain someone popped in solely to mute/kick me.[/color]
  5. [color=#800080]Yes you can, but seriously this is a tad bit extreme. Especially with (no offense) Tyler on the staff who has had a history of being kick/mute happy, and has no remorse for it.... I mean I still have that old thread hidden away to show evidence. I'm all for reforms, but like a said extremes are extreme. Just Saiyan. As it seems I'm already in line for a temp ban......sooooo[/color]
  6. [color=#800080]*Lilligant used Quiver Dance* [/color] [color=#800080]Lilligant's Speed Rose[/color] [color=#800080]Lilligant's Special Attack Rose[/color] [color=#800080]Lilligant's Assault Sharply Rose [/color]
  7. [color=#800080]...Anybody else Lol at this? Not to mock you, but..... some people should've been banned a while ago by this standard. *points to self* Honestly cracking down like the Gestapo isn't going to change much. You can't rightly ask people to change solely for the fact that it bother you. Just Saiyan......[/color] [color=#800080][img]http://www.myfacewhen.net/uploads/449-cool-story-bro-.png[/img] [/color] [color=#800080]inb4 delete.[/color]
  8. I'mma tell you one Laurence, and I hope its understood. Get right back in your van and get the fuck outta my neighborhood~

  9. Themes Errywhere.

  10. [color=#800080]I did bind...........................I remember it because I did it right before I logged off... odd [/color] [color=#800080]Done and ready for more.[/color]
  11. So um....when [s]I'mdonewith[/s] the theme is ready I want [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/NewNinjaremixpartduex.png[/IMG] that beast as my new sprite. (Well for a new team I'm planning).
  12. [color=#800080]Done, and ready for more.[/color]
  13. Neo

    PO Themes

    [color=#800080]So Ikaru requested a theme, and it turned out bro-tier so.... http://www.mediafire.com/?4nkb4uzuf3rzl49 BAM! and Ignore the link at the top kbai~ [url="http://www.mediafire.com/?4nkb4uzuf3rzl49"]http://www.mediafire...4nkb4uzuf3rzl49[/url][/color]
  14. [color=#800080]So I know I already have my spriting thread, but I'd like to keep the requests separate so, I made this thread. I now feel comfortable enough making themes (since I've already made 3 [s]two for me 1 for you [/s]) that I'll start taking requests for themes. Please note that it'll cost you some rupees for me to do this for you. ~ Management [/color]
  15. [color=#800080][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/fronts-1.png[/IMG][/color] [color=#800080][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Knightiken.png[/IMG][/color] [color=#800080][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Knightpoleon.png[/IMG][/color] [color=#800080][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/AngelicUmbreon.png[/IMG][/color] [color=#800080][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/ElectrifyingWater.png[/IMG][/color] [color=#800080][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/LadyCressilia.png[/IMG][/color] [color=#800080]Sexy ain't they? The personas for my newest team.[/color]
  16. Neo

    PO Themes

    The theme has been finished, with new buttons and all. Enjoy~
  17. Please drink a hot cup of shut the fuck up. Kthnx.

    1. Maelstrom


      Actually, make it a double.

  18. Neo


    Banned for questioning Saya's ruling!
  19. [color=#800080]Wanna die mael? How would that work anyway? Koga....was a gym leader for like 20 years, and he has a daughter so....[/color]
  20. [color=#800080][img]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Smeargle.png[/img][/color] [color=#800080]Yay Time for the fourth contest. This weeks prompt is.............Highschool Pictures. Let me explain. Your job is to take a trainer sprite, and make them look like they would've back in high school. This 'ought to bring out your creativity. Just like before any medium is viable. Good Luck~[/color] [color=#800080]Here would be an example. Kiki tending to her lets just say plant. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/example.png[/IMG][/color]
  21. Neo


    Banned for expanding my vocabulary. maelstrom
  22. [color=#4b0082]Inuki wins congratz bro.[/color]
  23. [color=#4b0082]Introducing my newest product, (along with some other things) TEAM POSES! Simply list the pokemon, and trainer sprite and I'm on it.[/color] [color=#4b0082][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/TeamPose.png[/IMG][/color]
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