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Everything posted by Neo

  1. get screen normal/.

  2. get screen normal/.

  3. get screen normal/.

  4. Granted, but you get stuck after that. I wish my wishes will never get corrupted, by any means
  5. [color="#9932CC"]Cloud, post the [img] code instead of attaching it.[/color]
  6. [color="#9932CC"]Yes you may.~[/color]
  7. [color="#9932CC"]As many as you choose, my example only used two for simplicity.[/color]
  8. [color="#9932CC"]That works Ame. The contest is now bi-weekly[/color]
  9. [scroll](17:31:03) Miss Kitty: My boss told me I was worthless today... (17:31:08) +Saya Monoke: ;~; (17:31:26) [Ninja] Erick: ;~; fooly cooly final episode next week (17:31:31) Neku: JAMAICAN BOI IN TIS BITCH!!! POP OUT WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!! (17:31:48) Miss Kitty: I feel like shit. (17:31:54) *** [Neko]Mashew sits on Tyler *** (17:31:55) Miss Kitty: ... Maybe because I really am.. (17:31:58) [+INF]Syko: Good. lol (17:32:05) [+INF]Syko: Where's Tyler? o.o (17:32:18) +[Neko]Mashew: no you arent Kitty D: (17:32:25) [Ninja] Erick: >although i've seen the whole series over 9000 times (17:32:31) Miss Kitty: Obviously I am... (17:32:34) [Ninja] Erick: kitty. (17:32:36) Miss Kitty: If my boss has to tell me... (17:32:37) +[Neko]Mashew: no no no (17:32:38) Cmder Cyrus: No you're not (17:32:47) +[Neko]Mashew: ...your boss is an a hole (17:32:49) +[Neko]Mashew: :c (17:32:55) [Ninja] Erick: you determine what ur worth (17:33:09) Miss Kitty: Maybe it's time for me to go. (17:33:22) +[Neko]Mashew: no Kitty (17:33:24) +[Neko]Mashew: D:* (17:33:27) *** [+INF]Syko licks a butterfly in delight *** (17:33:31) [Neko]NicoleSkyX: hi everyone (17:33:36) +[Neko]Mashew: hi (17:33:37) [Esoteric] Sanity: Mashew, help with testing? (17:33:40) [Ninja] Erick: so stop mopin get up, and get some self worth (17:33:42) +[Neko]Mashew: Sure (17:33:59) Miss Kitty: Why should I? I already put out all I can... (17:34:13) Miss Kitty: I even work through being sick.... (17:34:29) Miss Kitty: ...Maybe being the only one who actually works at my job is a bad idea. (17:34:45) Miss Kitty: Maybe it's why I'm being plagued with illness... (17:34:53) [Ninja] Erick: have you worked to ur normal lvls... (17:35:26) +Saya Monoke: NO Kitty don't think like that (17:35:36) +Saya Monoke: You're just the better man (17:35:40) Miss Kitty: I'm so sick of being shoved aside when I work my hardest. (17:35:59) Miss Kitty: I'm SO sick of getting the short end of the stick all the time. (17:36:06) Cmder Cyrus: Never think that way. When there is bad days. There is always a good day. (17:36:10) Cmder Cyrus: Always (17:36:25) +[Neko]Mashew: ._. (17:36:35) [Ninja] Erick: in the corpirate word u gotta grab the stick, and take the long end (17:36:55) Miss Kitty: I try, and I get shoved off. (17:37:06) [Ninja] Erick: you can't wait for it to be given to you (17:37:24) Miss Kitty: Erick, you don't even understand what you're talking about. (17:37:33) [Ninja] Erick: do too. (17:37:36) Miss Kitty: Nope. (17:37:41) +Saya Monoke: Kitty (17:37:47) +Saya Monoke: you have to get over here (17:38:13) [Ninja] Erick: you dn't graduate as a feshman without learnin something (17:38:26) Miss Kitty: The reason why I was almost fired was because I was telling my boss that the job she created isn't real, and she's shoving me off, when I'm probably one of the few most valuable employees she has and she just told me to go home; if I keep acting like this then I'll be fired. (17:39:16) Miss Kitty: She's also not giving me much time off for my surgery. (17:39:36) Cmder Cyrus: Some bosses are gonna love you. (17:39:40) Cmder Cyrus: Some are gonna hate you (17:39:48) [Ninja] Erick: > in this economy companies cant afford it. (17:40:15) [Ninja] Erick: so you didn't get time off. (17:40:35) [Ninja] Erick: you still have a job to do (17:40:35) Miss Kitty: FOR MY FUCKING SURGERY. (17:40:42) +[Neko]Mashew: ... (17:40:43) Miss Kitty: Ugh. (17:40:46) +Saya Monoke: ... (17:40:47) *** [Neko]Mashew hugs Kitty *** (17:40:47) Miss Kitty: I'm done arguing with you. (17:40:53) +Saya Monoke: kitty... (17:41:05) Miss Kitty: You don't understand. I'm not going to try, anymore. (17:41:16) [Esoteric] Sanity: ... (17:41:18) +Saya Monoke: Just ignore him... (17:41:29) [Ninja] Erick: > whining gets nothing done (17:41:46) [Esoteric] Sanity: And carrying on a subject when you have no knowledge of what's at hand is stupid. (17:41:50) [Esoteric] Sanity: So why're you still talking. (17:42:17) [Ninja] Erick: >butt out, this doesn't pertain to yu (17:42:23) [Esoteric] Sanity: This doesn't pertain to you, either. (17:42:24) +Saya Monoke: Erick (17:42:28) [Esoteric] Sanity: Yet you still got involved. (17:42:34) +Saya Monoke: Tyler's right (17:42:45) Neku: Enough of tis (17:42:48) +Saya Monoke: So stop yourself (17:43:04) +[Neko]Mashew: Something comes to mind when we are talking about this (17:43:05) [Ninja] Erick: >blah blah blah (17:43:05) +[Neko]Mashew: brb (17:43:29) +Saya Monoke: I'm gonna advise you of rule one Erick (17:43:46) Neku: >.> Something come to my mind too when It ever gets like tis (17:43:50) Neku: AFK (17:43:54) +[Neko]Mashew: I'm going to advise this towards Erick (17:44:24) [Ninja] Erick: and imma advise of rule 4. (17:44:34) +[Neko]Mashew: Which you would be breaking. (17:44:35) [ML]Hemlock: .__. (17:45:09) [Esoteric] Sanity: ...Some people. (17:45:14) Cmder Cyrus: What everyone needs to do right now (17:45:28) [Ninja] Erick: >i was raised to speak my mind, ad thats i'm gonna do. (17:45:42) +Ashley: then speak your mind and be muted, because it's being disrespectful. (17:45:43) +[Neko]Mashew: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. (17:45:58) [ML]Hemlock: If you're saying something, it isn't implied (17:45:58) [ML]Hemlock: js (17:47:01) [Ninja] Erick: >if tha was the ase alf the ppl here should be muted (17:47:10) +Ashley: not really (17:47:12) +[Neko]Mashew: *people (17:47:18) +Ashley: they actually shut up when we ask them to stop (17:47:19) +Saya Monoke: Erick (17:47:36) +Saya Monoke: i'm going to mute you for rule 1 2 and 4[/scroll]
  10. [color="#9932CC"]funny a half done log...[/color]
  11. [color="#9932CC"]May I say, that this needs to be fixed. The incident that happened earlier, is bs. You all know very well that if it wasn't your friend you guys would bag on them. Don't preach to me, when your a sinner. ~ Ninja out.[/color]
  12. [color="#9932CC"][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Rebornart.png[/IMG] Here's how it works: 1. I come up with the criteria for contest entries 2. Reborn users submit their entries here until the week is over have been submitted. You may edit your submissions untill then. 3. I (and Ame) judge the entries based on creativity and construction (seamlessness) 4. The first winners get their names recorded in the Hall of Fame here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1298 5. Then I come up with new contest criteria and the process repeats itself [b]CONTEST 1:POKEMON FUSIONS[/b] fuse two Pokemon like this[/color] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Jiggltoise.png[/IMG] ~Jiggletoise figure it out [Ninja Edit by Ame] Prizes: $R500 to the winner of each round, and $R300 randomly awarded to one entrant regardless of placing. Any media of art is acceptable. The first round will end as of July 3rd.
  13. [color="#9932CC"]This will memorialize those who have won the art contests. Contest 1: Cloud: Erick's pick for winner Will: Ame's pick for winner. Contest 2: Will.[/color]
  14. [color="#9932CC"][b]06/16/11[/b] [b]Reborn Theme Update[/b] http://www.mediafire.com/?82q511gd7cq2o No More updates for the rest of the summer.[/color]
  15. [b]Reborn Themem Update[/b] [b]06/16/11[/b] Well Srry for the Double Post, here. http://www.mediafire.com/?n7fyh7p52wmm6
  16. [color="#9932CC"]Damnit inuki!!!! [/color]
  17. Neo


    Banned because he's a demon (well... yokai actually)!!!
  18. Neo


    Banned because I didn't crash!!!
  19. Neo


    Banned for not having a computer with a power level OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. [color="#9932CC"]BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! stop living in that comic!!!![/color]
  21. [color="#9932CC"]xD. Thats SF for ya.[/color]
  22. Neo


    Banned because this is my 200th post!!!!
  23. [color="#9932CC"]Then who will play Mashew??[/color]
  24. Neo


    Banned for being a biter.
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