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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    Banned for being imperfect (I'm a spriter I have to be a perfectionist)
  2. Neo


    Banned for having a lowercase "y"!!!
  3. Neo


    Banned for having 1 trainer card!!!
  4. [color="#9932CC"]ooooooo you hotlinked!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
  5. Neo


    Banned for not having trainer card as sexy as mine (the lower one)!!!
  6. [quote]Also Hurricane works better in Rain, so unless you have something in mind, you'll be expecting quite alot of misses.[/quote] [color="#9932CC"]Winter Why you ninja me all the time, but yeah winter is right. Especially since Volcarna is best used in the sun. Hurricane can't miss in rain, but has 50% accuracy in the sun.[/color]
  7. Neo


    Banned Because I liked the pun!!!
  8. Neo


    Banned for not being the only one who laughed!!!
  9. It's not the first time I've mentioned it either.
  10. Neo


    Banned because ikaru should be dead then!!!!!!
  11. WHEN THE FUCKING AUTH ARE A BUNCH OF BLOODY HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously people. Just because you are auth doesn't mean that you are exempt. Don't fuckin go and break all the rules in one day, then get pissed at me for breaking one THE FIRST TIME! Seriously we are wondering why the server is going to hell. The auth is to blame. Now I'm not blaming all the auth, but those who are just a waste of space and power. I've already showed ame one instance of auth corruption. Hopefully he rethinks his strategy and thinks about who really deserves the power. /rant. Feels good to get that off my chest
  12. [color="#9932CC"][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Hark.gif[/IMG] Enjoy. First one I've made for someone other than myself.[/color]
  13. Neo


    [color="#9932CC"]Stalltrolololololo Clefable (F) @ Lefties Trait: Magic Guard Ev's: 252 HP / 44 Def / 212 SpD -Wish/ Softboiled -Protect/ encore -Seismic Toss - Toxic This set can function as a replacement for chansey as it's immune to status ailments. Wish + Proctect works, but Softboiled only takes up one turn. Encore for Trolling. Seismic toss for damage, and Toxic for MAXIMUM TROLLAGE! Used this set when I made a team of only pink pokemon in R/S/E[/color]
  14. For those of you who have seen My sexy new cards... don't hesitate to order

  15. [color="#9932CC"]Whoops. So busy last night that I forgot to link ><. http://www.wyncorporation.com/pokemon/index.php There you go[/color]
  16. Neo


    Banned because squids live just as long as humans!!! unless you're a female then it's only 2 years
  17. Neo


    Banned because those earphones are skullcandy. and PM me with the sprite, facial art and team if you want one.
  18. [color="#9932CC"]Spriting Ninja's Hideout Recolors: Give me the Pokemon, the Gen, and the colors I'll get right to it. No Gen means you get Gen V. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/S-1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/S-2.png[/IMG] Revamps and Devamps Available Communist Pokemon: Means what it means. Pick the Gen and the Pokemon [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Commypharos.png[/IMG] Pokemon Animations:These I prefer to only do Gen V, but will do others if asked (thou shall pay extra) [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/gloom.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/078.gif[/IMG] Trainer Recolors: Pick the Trainer and I'll do it. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/165.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/150-2.png[/IMG] Fusions: Pick 2 (or 3) Pokemon and I'll fuse 'em. If you want a specific Gen tell me. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Jiggltoise.png[/IMG] Pokemon Icons: I'll recolor the icons if you want [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Weavile.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Mew.png[/IMG] Berries: I'll do berries and recolors if you want. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Berryexample.png[/IMG] Items: Yup, I'll do Item too just ask. If you want I'll recolor. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/279.png[/IMG] Trainer Cards: Give me the trainer (and Gen if you want), Pokemon (same as for the trainer), and background color [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/OmaiGosh.gif[/IMG] See siggy for more examples Eggs: Pick the Pokemon and the Gen and the egg shall be done. [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Chikorita.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Wartortle.png[/IMG] Pokeballs: Ask for the pokemon and the ball done. (I'll post an example in a bit.) I'm Thinking about charging Rupees for the stuff in my shop. Not sure yet[/color]
  19. Neo


    Banned for having your avatar wear Skullcandy headphones!!!!
  20. [color="#9932CC"]Random Team Generator. Well I found a thread similar to this on ole psypoke, so I wanted to try it here. You can set it to mono-type, exclude legendaries, and exclude NFE's 6 Pokemon Exclude Legendaries: No Exclude NFE's: yes Type: Ice[/color] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/614.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/91.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/365.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/378.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/473.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/087.gif[/IMG] [color="#9932CC"] Of course I had to make dewgong move ~ [/color]
  21. Neo


    Banned for being a hippo Hypocrite!
  22. [color="#9932CC"]Erick vs. Tink. [/color] Battle between [Ninja] Erick and [Society]Teddiursa started! [scroll] Tier: OverUsed Rule: Unrated [Society]Teddiursa sent out Korin! (Alakazam) [Ninja] Erick sent out Sky Demon! (Togekiss) [Society]Teddiursa: This is for the tournament [Society]Teddiursa: so post the log [Ninja] Erick: okai Start of turn 1 The foe's Korin used Psychic! Sky Demon lost 165 HP! (44% of its health) Sky Demon used Air Slash! The foe's Korin lost 51% of its health! Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 2 [Society]Teddiursa called Korin back! [Society]Teddiursa sent out Frank West! (Chansey) Sky Demon used Air Slash! The foe's Frank West lost 9% of its health! Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 3 Sky Demon used Nasty Plot! Sky Demon's Sp. Att. sharply rose! The foe's Frank West used Toxic! Sky Demon was poisoned! Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sky Demon is hurt by poison! Start of turn 4 Sky Demon used Nasty Plot! Sky Demon's Sp. Att. sharply rose! The foe's Frank West used Stealth Rock! Pointed stones float in the air around [Ninja] Erick's team! Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sky Demon is hurt by poison! Start of turn 5 Sky Demon used Air Slash! The foe's Frank West lost 29% of its health! The foe's Frank West flinched! Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sky Demon is hurt by poison! Start of turn 6 Sky Demon used Nasty Plot! Sky Demon's Sp. Att. sharply rose! The foe's Frank West used Softboiled! The foe's Frank West regained health! Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sky Demon is hurt by poison! Start of turn 7 Sky Demon used Flamethrower! The foe's Frank West lost 30% of its health! The foe's Frank West was burned! The foe's Frank West used Seismic Toss! Sky Demon lost 100 HP! (26% of its health) Sky Demon restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sky Demon is hurt by poison! Sky Demon fainted! The foe's Frank West is hurt by its burn! [Ninja] Erick sent out Mist! (Politoed) Pointed stones dug into Mist! Mist's Drizzle made it rain! Start of turn 8 [Society]Teddiursa called Frank West back! [Society]Teddiursa sent out Rinse Psycho! (Rotom-W) Mist used Focus Blast! The foe's Rinse Psycho lost 71% of its health! Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 9 [Ninja] Erick called Mist back! [Ninja] Erick sent out Quagsire! Pointed stones dug into Quagsire! The foe's Rinse Psycho used Thunderbolt! It had no effect! Rain continues to fall! Quagsire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 10 [Society]Teddiursa called Rinse Psycho back! [Society]Teddiursa sent out Frank West! (Chansey) Quagsire used Toxic! The foe's Frank West was poisoned! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Frank West is hurt by poison! Start of turn 11 The foe's Frank West used Softboiled! The foe's Frank West regained health! Quagsire used Earthquake! The foe's Frank West lost 22% of its health! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Frank West is hurt by poison! Start of turn 12 The foe's Frank West used Toxic! Quagsire was poisoned! Quagsire used Earthquake! The foe's Frank West lost 20% of its health! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Frank West is hurt by poison! Quagsire is hurt by poison! Start of turn 13 The foe's Frank West used Softboiled! The foe's Frank West regained health! Quagsire used Earthquake! The foe's Frank West lost 19% of its health! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Frank West is hurt by poison! Quagsire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Quagsire is hurt by poison! Start of turn 14 [Society]Teddiursa called Frank West back! [Society]Teddiursa sent out Cadaveras! (Dragonite) [Ninja] Erick called Quagsire back! [Ninja] Erick sent out Swanna! Pointed stones dug into Swanna! Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 15 [Ninja] Erick called Swanna back! [Ninja] Erick sent out Mist! (Politoed) Pointed stones dug into Mist! The foe's Cadaveras used Dragon Dance! The foe's Cadaveras's Attack rose! The foe's Cadaveras's Speed rose! Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 16 The foe's Cadaveras used Dragon Claw! A critical hit! Mist lost 242 HP! (75% of its health) Mist fainted! Rain continues to fall! [+INF]Will is watching the battle. [Society]Teddiursa: Please [Ninja] Erick sent out Shuriken! (Porygon-Z) Pointed stones dug into Shuriken! [Society]Teddiursa: okay Start of turn 17 The foe's Cadaveras used Dragon Claw! Shuriken lost 273 HP! (87% of its health) Shuriken fainted! Rain continues to fall! [Ninja] Erick sent out Swanna! Pointed stones dug into Swanna! Start of turn 18 The foe's Cadaveras used Dragon Claw! A critical hit! Swanna lost 146 HP! (50% of its health) Swanna fainted! Rain continues to fall! [Ninja] Erick sent out Quagsire! Pointed stones dug into Quagsire! Start of turn 19 The foe's Cadaveras used Dragon Claw! Quagsire lost 144 HP! (38% of its health) Quagsire used Counter! The foe's Cadaveras lost 88% of its health! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Cadaveras restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Quagsire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Quagsire is hurt by poison! Start of turn 20 The foe's Cadaveras used Roost! The foe's Cadaveras landed on the ground! The foe's Cadaveras regained health! Quagsire used Counter! But it failed! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Cadaveras restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Quagsire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Quagsire is hurt by poison! Start of turn 21 The foe's Cadaveras used Dragon Claw! Quagsire lost 134 HP! (36% of its health) Quagsire fainted! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Cadaveras restored a little HP using its Leftovers! [Ninja] Erick sent out Galvantula! Pointed stones dug into Galvantula! Start of turn 22 The foe's Cadaveras used Fire Punch! It's super effective! [Ninja] Erick: gg Galvantula lost 202 HP! (71% of its health) Galvantula used Hidden Power! It's super effective! The foe's Cadaveras lost 79% of its health! The foe's Cadaveras fainted! Galvantula is hurt by its Life Orb! Galvantula fainted! [Society]Teddiursa won the battle! [Ninja] Erick: You guys did your best..[/scroll]
  23. Hmmm Thinking about animating the Trainers on my .Gif cards

  24. [color="#9932CC"]Link battle!! Pikachu: Look at me in game I'm so badass. Red: *punches blue* That's want you get for STILL not beating GSC. *noms pocky* Black: Nononononono pick that move.. N: I can beat him on my own kthnxbai. ( Why didn't I listen to him) Oshawott: Why didn't you pick me for your starter ;~; Snivy: Whiny bitch. Charmander: They OHKO'd me Eevee: *nomming cookie*[/color]
  25. Neo


    Banned because it is!!
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