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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Not one but two Baron steals. I love GBM

  2. When was the last time you heard of someone getting banned for not talking in their games? The rules for chat would apply to voice comms. I'm having a harder time finding games outside of dynamic queue and it's pissing me off. Finding a game at my normal game MMR shouldn't be hard.
  3. If you don't want to talk that's fine. If you're being a cock ignoring calls in chat and pings, then you get reported for refusal to communicate. Super simple stuff.
  4. WEEK 1 SEIKO MATSUDA (0-0-0) vs. THE SNITCH STITCHERS (0-0-0) TACO STAND (0-0-0) vs. SACRED SWORDS (0-0-0) EVIL CURSE (0-0-0) vs. THUNDERLORD'S ONLY (0-0-0) DUCK P (0-0-0) vs. KAPPAKING1223 (0-0-0) SUPPORTS WITH BEEF (0-0-0) vs. EVIL CURSE (0-0-0)
  6. 15 minutes to draft. Meet on the showdown server in the League channel


    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I on already... oops? But yea I'm geeeewd so no worries any particular place or jsut main?

    2. Neo


      League channel

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie
  8. Yeah, you right. I was sleepy af, my bad. That being said, just say race, fam. Melanin =/= race. If any of y'all are still curious about reading into Ye', check this out. It's a bunch of his thoughts and provides some incite into the man that is Kanye. http://theworldaccordingtokanye.com/wp-content/uploads/TWAK.pdf
  9. ....Y'all stay fuckin' up. How long is the meeting?
  10. Pm, y'all. Don't coming messaging me at 8 am talmbout "where's the draft". You'll be ignored because I'll be sleep.
  11. Studies show it ain't natural but learned, fam. Be on the lookout for my next discussion thread. AND subconscious racism is a big deal because it shapes the way white people interact with people of color on a conscious level. Form your opinion by looking into him on your own. Even me discussing Kanye here isn't an entirely good way to form an opinion. The fuck did you just say? Go back and read that shit over.
  12. There are a number of dynamics that play into racism. Most of them subconscious. I ain't bouta sit here and dissect whether or not you are, I'm just layin' down what's known to exist. Preferring white rappers to black ones isn't a choice many openly racist folks make. Trust me on that, fam. Trust me when I say that while braggadocio is a tool in every rapper's toolbox, it isn't the main selling point. Not to mention, I'd imagine Christian rap being a lot cornier than a field in Kansas more humble due to the entire point of praise being about acknowledging god and not one's self. I'll make a point of rolling through with the studies tomorrow. I spent the day with my s/o today, and that's why I cut my initial post short. And definitely give his tracks a listen, it's going to bring an entirely different person to light. One that's become disenchanted with the fame and yearns for simpler days. Now that I actually finished that video, I sincerely hope you don't have that much hate and vitriol in your heart, fam. That guy is incredibly off base (Not to mention he has shit taste. Calling MBDTF bad). You really should speak about why you do feel the why you feel about him in this thread. I'll do my best to shed some light on the man that is Ye. (Don't shit talk Future, man. He's fucking great. AND he's got some real demons that he not only acknowledges but is actively trying to deal with) With all that said, keep the Kanye-based discussion coming. I've spent years following and reading about the guy. If I can offer any form of insight, I'd be glad to do so.
  13. Edit: I keep forgetting today is Satuday. Draft tomorrow 8EST be there or be kicked the fuck out.
  14. Awww shit. Things when down while I was asleep. Aight, lemme strap on my Kanye militia boots. Good. This a good place to start. Nah, it's not the reason why, but it definitely plays a part in it, fam. There are some very interesting studies out there on the topic. I'll edit them in later. Hip-hop's subject matter is just as varied as any genre out there, fam. You're unable to look past the bits of Braggadocio that have been apart the genre in some form since the beginning. (Don't believe me? Listen to Rappin' Christmas. The first Hip-hop single) Hip-hop was born out of competition. Making a claim for why you should be the best is part of the genre. Let's take some examples from Kanye's discography alone that showcase a variety of subject matters. I could bombard you with much more, but I fell that's a good enough variety on Kanye's part to make the point. See, this just seems to be a misunderstanding of the genre as a whole. I encourage you to check out Common's Be, The Root's How I Got Over, and Kanye's 808's and Heartbreak. I feel these albums, while not being the only ones to do so, will help shatter that perception for you. Like I said in an above post, Kanye's got a very very strong compass that points him a certain way. As for Ye's music, The tracks I posted up there should make you want to check out a little more, in which case, do check out Late Registration and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Bearing in mind that the latter is a concept album, and while it's about Kanye's feelings on fame, he himself is not being portrayed in the lyrics. Touching on that last part because it plays into Ye's ego. He worked his ass off to even be considered a rapper. Nobody in the industry took him seriously outside of being a producer. Like Kanye said on Last Call Quality ass post here, fam. Very articulate, as always. That being said, check out Kanye's Late Registration. Late Registration is the near perfect execution of what Kanye wanted his debut album to be. If you like that, you're going to love the guy. That's precisely the thing, though. He literally does. Kanye's the very definition of a perfectionist. (He mixed Stronger 75 times because he didn't like how the kick drum sounded, yesterday he deleted his new song twice because he felt the audio quality was off and even asked those illegally distributing it to use the newer version) It's safe to say that many of the moves he makes art intentionally to further his art form. The strangest thing about Ye, at least to me, is that the things he says in the public eye always seem to reflect his attitude on his latest release. Which, to me, only furthers the art for me. His newest fashion lines are pretty great. Much better than his attempts during the Graduation era. Runaway's only 35 minutes. You should check it out, fam. Kanye's got the best videography in all of hiphop. Kanye and Trump's respective brands of polarization are entirely different. Kanye shakes up the entire hip-hop game with his music and is respected for it. Trump's a racist piece of shit. Fair enough. Though, maybe some of the shit I end up saying in this thread will help you at least see him in a different light. This guy's a cock, tbh. I'll elaborate more on this guy in a bit. I've gotta go take care of some shit.
  15. Ain't nobody hating Muhammad Ali for knowing he's the greatest. (Though white folks hated on him back in the day for it.) The way Ye is perceived by folks is 110% because of is race. Else everyone would fuckin' hate John Lennon/ The Beatles.
  16. Kanye has a very strong sense of judgement. He's actually given his own awards to artists that he felt deserved them more than he did. Check that out here: http://www.thefader.com/2015/02/09/all-the-times-kanye-west-gave-his-own-awards-to-someone-else I suppose to him, he believes that if he can recognize when others have him beat, other musicians should be able to as well. Without the aforementioned Taylor Swift incident, we never would've had Power. Kanye called My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, an underhanded apology. His way of giving back to the music world after everyone hated for raining on Taytay's parade.
  17. Nah, my man. Kanye doesn't need to tone down his arrogance. An ego like his is seen in many legendary artists, and yet the aren't cut down the way he is. Obviously there's a difference between them and Kanye, and it's that Kanye's a black man who acknowledges his greatness, which in turn makes low-key racist white folks mad as hell. He's got every right to be proud of his artistic abilities.
  18. I don't know how Kanye is perceived around here, for the most part. I know Simon digs him, but that's it. That being said, I feel this right here is a good watch that can be applied to other artists/people. Feel free to discuss it or other Kanye related things in this thread. If you've any questions about him, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them.
  19. 1 month 3 days. God Bless

    1. BIGJRA


      i didn't know i was excited but now i'm excited


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Can't say I listen to his stuff but that's really awesome lol.

    3. Simon


      It gives that Blame Game feel I swear.

    4. Garnet.
  21. Expect around 250+ ping, fam. That's typically what those from Japan experience when playing on NA
  22. Hey, you're a pretty cool person. I wanted you to know that.

  23. Is Sunday night better for everyone, in that case? Or maybe even Monday? I definitely wanna make sure this gets done before the first EU LCS games.
  24. You can make an NA account, and if end up qualifying for a prize, I'll make sure to get it to you in EUW
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