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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Is Sunday night better for everyone, in that case? Or maybe even Monday? I definitely wanna make sure this gets done before the first EU LCS games.
  2. You can make an NA account, and if end up qualifying for a prize, I'll make sure to get it to you in EUW
  3. Yeezus is such a good listen if you just let it do its thing. Definitely have a new perspective on it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neo


      Let him marinate on Swish. If it sounds like that freestyle he dropped I'm gonna fuckin' strangle somebody

    3. Simon


      Oh boy, I would cry if the album sounded like that meh freestyle, even though it was pretty amusing.

      But from what I've heard, Swish has been done for awhile now since Lamar Odom apparently got a listen to it back when he was in the hospital. I originally thought he was gonna drop it around New Years, but if drops it around the time Drake drops VFT6, it could be interesting to see how those two albums will compete with each other.

    4. Neo


      From what I've been able to gather, he hasn't put lyrics on it yet. He's also clearly scrapped the album from what it was a year ago.

      Kanye will beat out VFT6 any day, fam. Drake usually likes to drop his stuff when he'll be the only thing to talk about for at least 2-3 weeks. Dropping near Kanye would ensure people not only judge him more harshly but be less likely to listen to subpar shit

  4. Lemme know if that time'll be an issue before Saturday so we can move shit around.
  5. Yeah, that wasn't aimed at you, Huk-y boi. But 8 PM. No way in hell am I gonna get up at 6 here for the draft.
  6. Fantasy Leagues can be made on the 7th, which is Thursday. We will hold the draft on the 9th (Saturday) at 8 EST (unless y'all got issues with that, tell me now) Edit this shit into your posts, y'all blind.
  7. Riot points, fam. I'm not a cheap fuck. I will fucking kick them this time. No games, fam. Super teams for people that didn't show are bullshit.
  8. THAT'S RIGHT, BITCHES. WE'RE BACK ONCE A-MOTHAFUCKIN'-GAIN. ARE YOU SILVER SHITTERS READY TO HUMILIATE THOSE AROUND YOU WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF SWEATY LEAGUE PROS? I KNOW YOU ARE. THIS TIME WE'RE NEW, IMPROVED, AND WE HAVE A BIGGER PRIZE POOL TO MAKE SURE YOU FUCKS STICK AROUND THIS TIME! LET'S GET IT!! PRIZE POOL: 1st Place: $50 RP 2nd Place: $25 RP 3rd Place: $15 RP 4th Place: $5 RP Prizes will be dished out at the end of the split! RULES: Don't be a dick Don't be a dick Don't be a dick Don't be a dick SHOW UP FOR THE FUCKING DRAFT OR YOU WILL BE FUCKING REMOVED I SWEAR TO GOD Sign the fuck up so we can do the draft this weekend before LCS starts. When you sign up enter the following information: Reborn name: Team name: Favorite Champion: Don't fucking question me, just do it. Let's get this 2016 season underway, so I can win my own money from you fucks.
  9. *continues to watch copious amounts of anime* Steven Universe is the shit. Will the new episodes be coming in the form of a Steven Bomb or airing weekly?
  10. Shutdown the damn site so I can leave already. Thank you, Ame. I love this place
  11. Unlock nugget thread

  12. More than likely hanging out with my s/o. Dunno yet, though.
  13. Top: Tahm Kench, Shen, Mundo Jungle: Gragas and Nunu Mid: Orianna, Karthus, Annie ADC: Sivir, Corki, Kog'maw Support: Sona, Nami, Soraka
  14. See what's happened? Too many AMAs, not enough people to ask questions. Y'all fucked up

  15. Hey, friend. Hope you're doin' well post-reborn. You know where to find me if you wanna talk. I feel like BUSH and SURF were slept on this year. Snoop and Pharell came swingin' with BUSH and put together an excellent album. I also feel like Donnie Trumpet and the Social Experiment's Surf wasn't rated well because people wanted a full blown Chance project out of it. I feel both are excellent albums that didn't get the attention they deserve. Overhyped? To Pimp a Butterfly. Don't get me wrong. Kendrick did an amazing job with the album, and I feel it was his best work being a solid 9.5/10. My only issue is because of this album, you've got people thinking Kendrick belongs in the GOAT conversation. He doesn't. 10, 15 years down the line, maybe, but even then I don't see Kendrick being more than someone that hovers the top 10. At this point I don't even want to THINK about what MOTM3 would sound like. Cudi has been releasing straight ass, and I no longer have interest in him as a musician. Reborn Ep. 17 will come out before it AND will have a better soundtrack than whatever he puts out.
  16. It's crossed my mind once or twice, but nothing like "I would love to be a Reborn auth" It'd be cool to work with the authy for a change, and I'd probably enjoy giving back to the place that's given me so much. S'whatevs tho. Not something I'm gonna pursue, nor something I'd turn down.
  17. League players: Would y'all be interested in a little Holiday 1v1 tournament with prizes?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      League of Legends?

    3. Felicity


      Um, yes, though I know I'll get beat pretty easy

    4. Shamitako


      More chances to get my ass kicked? Let's go

  18. *adjusts AMA crown*

    1. Arkhi



    2. anethia



  19. Sometimes I wish I was better at socializing. Like, I can get by rather well nowadays, but it's always so taxing. When I first joined, the people in general were what I liked the most. Everyone except for she-who-shall-not-be-named was pretty cool. 1982 is like half completely arbitrary half a nod to The Super Dimension Fortress Macross which aired that year. Do I hate you?: Though I've seen you around here quite a bit, I haven't formed an opinion one way or the other. Though, I'll more than likely end up with a favorable opinion of you down the line. Kuro mentioned they'd love to see a topic called "Does Neo Hate You?" It sounded like a good idea, so I added the AMA aspect as a way to let newer members of the community get to know me. Do I hate you?: Nope! c: It's nice. I didn't really expect it to be received this well, to be honest. Actually, no. It's kind of a way reintroduce myself to you guys. I'll probably still have a bit of that "I hate y'all" 'tude down the line. No problem, friend. Welcome back. I'm gonna assume you mean the purple one with wings. I do. I'm such a stickler. If I ever find something that I can recommend 100%, I'll let you know. Mad Lemon: #pigswag is the emote I made back when I was trying to get my pig OC into the RP forum. Do I hate you?: We've been friends around here for a long long time. We've played PSN together, just shot the shit, you've even defended me when I was in trouble one time. (Like, all night in a back channel type of defense.) If there's anyone on Reborn that I hate. It most certainly isn't you, Mael. Precisely. All the Reborn game nerds want me to say Fern I'd kick Gendo Ikari's teeth in given the chance. Do I hate you?: Roo, you're great. I know that. You know that. All of Reborn knows that.
  20. I've got one person I dislike a little, and one I can't stand. Hate tho? Nope.Are either of those you?: Nope c: I didn't tho. Check my last response on page 2. I realized that I skipped it and went back for it
  21. Sorry, sheepy. I don't hate you, fam. I enjoy your presence around here.
  22. Then really, enslave white people Immediately get to work on reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans and set up the payment for that. Ban financial contributions to politicians and their campaigns, while keeping them under a heavy lens. Set up a committee with the greatest American minds to apply the best aspects of other world powers to make them work for America. (Healthcare, Economic system, the whole nine yards) Yeah, stop doing that. You're cool
  23. I do like pigs. They're very nice. I do like bacon. Though I'm contemplating no longer eating pig products anymore. I do know who you are, Chubb. I've seen you quite a bit around here. Vine Whips, fam. Do I hate you?: Nah, you're a rad ass swine. Depends. Jelly has gotten worse soft-punishments than I have. (1 year long warning points, etc.) I've been outright banned. Lowkey, when my friends fucked up the minecraft server was some of the craziest shit I've seen around here. Literally thousands of chickens everywhere. Soft and smooth goodbye. There's no need to burn a bridge that you may want to cross later. Do I hate you?: Don't rightly know you enough to say I do, so now c: Not too big a fan of the __ings2k__. I really only like the hattening. I started the trend again because Kuro kinda brought it up and decided it'd be nice. Then, everyone thought how cool I looked and they decided to hop on my bandwagon. Goal? African-American Studies professor. REVERSE SLAVERY Depends, tbh. Like, do I have a supermajority in Congress? Gimme more criteria, and I got you, fam. Do I hate you?: No, even if we literally don't see eye to eye on almost everything. I honestly, just kinda stayed. It's hard to leave a place that's been like a home to me. I've wanted to leave, but haven't, too much of a weenie to do so. Cacti. I absolutely love them for no reason whatsoever. Do I hate you?: Nah, you're cool, af.
  24. Definitely for better. I'm 1000% a better person because of this place. I really really don't know. I've wanted to leave so bad for a while now, but now I don't. Do I hate you?: Not in the slightest. I really dig the lastest game. I really wanna download some of the older ones and play those. I love Seel. Not my second favorite, but still up there. Boil water -> pour onto tea -> Steep appropriate amount of time based on tea -> Sugar (3-4 teaspoons) -> Milk/Honey/Lemon optional Favorite meme? Doge. Do I hate you?: Don't know you, but that also means I can't dislike you. Some I do, some I don't. Love you, pocky. If there ever was a veteran user that was nowhere near the running for auth, it'd be me. In fact, I reckon my history would discount me completely. You know you cool, Trevo. I ain't gotta say that. Gfriend is very important. They remind me so much of early SNSD. I don't play any other simulator games, tbh. I got into fashion a long time ago, and kinda made reading/watching it a serious hobby like two years ago. I really enjoy it. Sculpture that you can wear on the body is so dope. I'm not gonna pursue any career in it, though.
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