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Posts posted by Neo

  1. not exactly what I was referring to. Yes there are multiple teams that can do multiple things, however they still need to work out bugs woth a lot of things that already exist before even tackling sandbox mode.

    Every MOBA dating back to WC3 Dota has a sandbox mode. Riot doesn't really have any excuses on this one.

  2. No, we don't need an updated client, sandbox mode is obviously 10x more important

    The team that would be building a new client, wouldn't be working on sandbox mode. Riot can, and should, be able to deliver both.

  3. Give me a sound argument as to why Communism or Socialism or whateverism is better than Capitalism. Not in theory, the actual implementation of it. I'm willing to listen to anyone who wants to provide evidence in order to try to prove their point.

    "Give me an example of a system that was never truly implemented on a meaningful scale because Socialism/Communism is not conducive with the system of Imperialism that facilitated Capitalism in the western world"

    My arguments against Capitalism are far more social than they are economic. Capitalism was born from and lives off of multiple systems of oppression that work together to give us the world we have today. In an ideal setting, ridding ourselves of these systems of oppression will also require the abandonment of Capitalism.

  4. PSA:

    I do not agree with any sentiments expressed in this song. Most of y'all can't speak patois, so I'm advising you to be careful if you choose to look up the lyrics as they could be triggering.

    That being said, I've been listening to a lot dancehall because I really miss the Jamaican half of my family.

  5. Well, considering I'm basically right on the East Coast, this should help me quite a bit. Not like my ping was unplayable, but I'd always wanted to experience what it was like under 100 ping. Pros always talk about how unplayable even 70 ping is, so I wonder if it truly makes that big a difference.

    Faker finds 30 ping unplayable. Imagine how he feels about 100 ping? With this move to Chicago, I think expecting an average of 50 ping would be really nice. Though it could be lower, since I get about 30 ping on Dota and their server is in Chicago.

  6. http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/help-support/ZwVkoboV-na-server-roadmap-update-chicago-here-we-come

    B E T T E R P I N G B O Y S

    okay friends here is a story of how playing on locked screen has ruined my league career

    when I first started league, I too didn't realize that playing unlocked was a thing, but I soon noticed how many blind spots there were and how many champions felt more complicated to play on locked, now two seasons later I'm still trying to wing myself off of it and because of how little of the map you see on red side on locked I hope every game that I get blue side so I don't always feel useless to my team on red

    don't fool yourselves into thinking you're going to get better at LoL while playing on locked, because in my case, you're not

    This right here (Though I prefer red side, oddly enough)

    Work off of locked screen slowly by using that partially locked option. Move from there until you're playing fully unlocked.

  7. I'm just saying. However we can't really say much about Rush... he'll play Lee Sin even if he gets nerferinoed

    I'd expect nothing less from the man who held #1 rank in both KR and NA at the same time.

  8. No, but the problem is that they are almost always a patch behind us :/

    Yeah, that's true. Typically, though, you can see if the pro is practicing what they're gonna play on the current patch. (Like Rush, who has been playing quite a bit Evelynn lately.)

  9. Yeah, Cleanse doesn't remove suppressions. Still, I don't see much point in QSS but I suppose I'll keep it in mind if I'm getting CC chained. The MR is generally better acquired through Abyssal imo and the stasis from Zhonya's is probably better if used properly since it makes you immune to damage. But i suppose if you need a little MR and to avoid CC at the same time (such as when facing Malzahar) then it's a viable buy for laning


    For real, no one cares about the MR, and even then, if you've got a suppression that's being a pain in the ass QSS, allows you to remove it and reposition to fight better. Rather than be a sitting duck once Zhonya's ends.

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