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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I can make you put your phone down

    1. Juniper
    2. Guzam


      You already did.

    3. Pixl


      That's some damn good confidence in a pick up line there

  2. This is disrespectful to Mad Lemon

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guzam


      >To behind with



    3. mde2001


      Mad Lemon deserves to be disrespected.

    4. Neo


      I will not tolerate this elitist shit on my status.

      Mad Lemon is a respected shitpost.


    1. zimvader42


      Congrats on getting the lemon thing re-opened.

    2. ShadowStar
    3. Maelstrom


      *holds nose and walks far away*

  4. SHITPOSTING COMMANDMENTS And forget not who delivered the commandments to us
  5. Rick Ross is bringing straight heat lately. So pumped for that new album.

  6. I've made some improvements on the character banners that Ame made for some of the characters in game. Feel free to use these in your sigs, since they're clearly better than Ame's.
  7. #Free_Mad_Lemon

  8. After going through the wasteland, I want the Mad Lemon thread unlocked. It's my favorite thread out of all the ones I've seen in four years. (Also, all the other shitposts that are there give it legitimacy)

    1. Vinny


      I take mad lemon over literal shit.

    2. Simon
    3. Reignited'Light


      free the mad lemon

  9. Genocide not in the plans. We gon' make it.

    1. zimvader42


      Neutral route? Pacifist?

      There aren't more options, so...

    2. Neo


      The quote is comes from Rick Ross. He's using it in reference to the Black Lives Matter movement.

    3. zimvader42
  10. I'll make it quick Placing all things Japanese on a pedestal is fetishization. Rather than seeing the country for what it is, you carry around a romanticized version of it an boil it down to the traits you like. You may as well walk around saying "I actually have no respect for Japan as a nation and the people/culture(s) that make it up". Shit ain't groovy.
  11. Neo

    Hi, Um...

    The same way a politician can be impeached for lying while doing their job, the same ought to apply here. How someone who couldn't even be honest with the community is supposed to have a hand in running it is beyond me. This ain't got much to do with Hilda/Hunter and I butting heads either. If anyone else in their position did the same thing, they'd deserve to lose their spot. Perhaps this ain't the best time to talk about it, seeing as how this thread is more focused on Hunter's reveal and not their standing within the community.
  12. Neo

    Hi, Um...

    I've got a question. Why haven't you been stripped of your auth title? Nothing personal, but I don't think that after this you're fit to continue holding the position. (Granted quite a few of y'all ain't, but that's another topic for another day)
  13. Being a weaboo is nothing to be proud of. I'll elaborate in a bit.
  14. Neo

    Hi, Um...

    Sorry angry lemon, placeholder is being abandoned. I honestly wish I could say this came as a surprise, but it ain't. I'm gonna level with you, fam. You've done nothing brave by making this thread. It was purely defensive in nature. I'll commend you for apologizing, but even then it seems very much like you're going through the motions. I don't ever expect for anyone around here to fully trust you, especially because of the position you held within the community. If you're really as devout a Christian as your persona, then you know that god forgives. Quite frankly, that's the only place you're going to be able to get true forgiveness. I've got much more to say, but I'm not going to go forward with it. At least for now.
  15. Neo

    Hi, Um...

    Angry lemon This is a placeholder for when I put my thoughts down on this.
  16. Excellent moderation, tbh

  17. I don't think this is a finalized roster. This is only for IEM atm. I think we may see some changes down the line. I'd personally like to see Rush and Adrian go over to TSM.
  18. Fam. You can't link us to the file directory on your computer. You need to upload it to an imagehost.
  19. Windspeaker's blessing seems pretty shitty anyway. 0/12/18 seems like it's going to be the default support route.
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