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Posts posted by Neo

  1. Also, people forgot bout them, so Chromizzle Packizzles on the P B Izzle.

    • Bardizzle: Yellow / Orange, Green / Teal, Blue / Purple

    • Dreadknizzle Nasizzle: Grey / Red, Green / Purple, White / Blue

    • Grim Rizzle Karthizzle: Black / Red, Green / Purple, White / Blue

    • Shockblizzle Zedizzle: Red / Silver, Purple / Gold, Yellow / Bronze

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why dizzle talk died out after 5 minutes.

    That being said, I love the Bard Chroma pack. Definitely gonna pick that one up.

  2. The difference between the discrimination based off of skin color and sexual orientation is a bit different. Skin color in no way conflicts with Christian values (unless of course you take a quote out of context from somewhere).

    Regardless. I am of the belief that people should be allowed to be bigots if they so choose in this sense. It's their business, if they want to lose customers because of their intolerance, they should be free to make that decision. Forced tolerance isn't real tolerance.

    The bible was used to justify discrimination against us for 400 years. Miss me with that shit. Fact of the matter is, segregation in all forms is fucked up and shouldn't be allowed.

  3. This all happened -before- this bill was passed. Make of it what you will, but being forced to serve a customer against your will for whatever the reason may be, it doesn't sit right with me at all. 'Be tolerant, or else.' If you want tolerance, you should accept and tolerate the fact that some don't agree with what you are asking of them to do. Regardless if you find it to be bigoted or not, they shouldn't be scared into fake tolerance, because that does nothing to help the cause and is a detriment to others as well. I'm sure there are others who would be happy to do business with the couples in question.

    And of course the biggest one of all which has already been mentioned numerous times, a Christian church that would be FORCED to hold ceremonies for same sex couples against their will. It's not a matter of if, but when this controversy will come to the forefront as an issue. That much I promise you.

    Ya see, we've been through this thing in the past where businesses decided to discriminate who they would serve simply based on the way someone was born. We've since decided that shouldn't be allowed because its primitive as fuck and enacted laws against it. (Granted, I'm not sure if sexuality is covered in said law, but it should be)

  4. It's based around plenty of reasons; One being related to something similar on what Pyrr says and the other being that I'm a Texan and same sex marriages just don't sound right in the slightest.

    Resident Texan here,

    The fuck does living in this backwater state have to do with it? If two ( or more, but that's a different discussion for a different day) people want to have a strong bond and have that bond made stronger, then they have every right to do so. It's not a matter of preference, nor should is really be a matter to have an opinion on, two people will do together what they want, that's that.

  5. We treat them as sub human yet they are somewhat tax immune and are given governmental assistance if they stay as a registered member of a tribe. I also happen to think Andrew Jackson was the biggest f*** ever to be president because of what he started our country to do against the native populous.

    I was referring to Canada, m8y.

    We've got quite a bit of our own issues when it comes to Natives as well (Mainly, not honoring treaties)

  6. To be honest, I hate word crimes more than hate crimes.

    Also, living in Canada (especially in Toronto) I can't say I've seen a lot of hate crimes being committed.

    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but if racial slurs and the like make you cry a river then close this spoiler.

    Unless you count using the words n*****, f*****, ****, or other derogatory terms a hate crime.

    Actually, come to think of it the only recent thing that has popped up is the practice of carding, where police would stop people randomly and ask them a few questions before letting them go. The problem with this was that the black community felt that this was just as bad as racial profiling and that most of the people being carded were black people.

    Nevermind the fact that that your govt. treats the Native population as if they're subhuman. Your insensitivity towards this discussion is a prime example of privilege, bruh. "It doesn't affect me, so why should I care". Don't come up into discussions if you ain't got some constructive things to add.

    (P.S. Censor your slurs. There's no reason for you to have typed them out, even if they are in a spoiler)

  7. i actually live not far where they caight him. i can tell you this: it is a long trip back to South Carolina when you mess up liked this.

    still cant understand why someone would do this.

    I have an answer for you, but I'd get a warning point from the mods for saying it.

    Reborn, this is where I understand it's a societal problem with people behaving on the grounds of a difference. But sadly, the madness won't end as long as people care too much about difference.

    I'mma ignore the rest of your silly ass post to comment on this. Shit ain't as simple as "well, if we stop caring about race, racism will go away". We don't get the luxury of just "forgetting", we don't get to just ignore race. We wake up every day to see another one of us slaughtered, we have to hear all sorts of inane racist bullshit on the daily, we can't ignore race because white society makes a point of reminding us about it. Y'all get tired of having racial discussions, we get tired of having to live this shit.

  8. Obvious troll is obvious. And yet is somehow beneath my notice. Is it even worth it to acknowledge their existence sometimes? Clearly, you can't take this person seriously.

    Ironic shit posting is still shit posting. Someone being a walking joke doesn't make their ideas any less harmful.

  9. Today I learned that calling someone shit here was not some type of endearment, apparently people are ignorant to foreign language.

    Im surprised no one corrected me on it here when I called terra bae... she kind of is shit to be honest. BTW who the hell decided that shortening babe to bae was a good idea and confusing the public.

    Today I learned not to repeat slangs at all even if I want to fit in with people my age here.

    You can that African American Vernacular English for the term 'bae'. Granted, it's been Columbused, so nobody actualy uses it anymore.

  10. Whether they actually had offensive content or not isn't the point. While I may take the words of a large group to be of a high rather than low possibility, I'll admit if I'm wrong.

    The point was that they did NOT ban those subreddits for their content, whatever that content may have been. They ONLY banned it for the name. If their requirements for banning are this fickle, I'm sure they will go the same route as YouTube - banning everything ever reported at any time by anyone.

    The admins literally stated why the subs chosen were banned:

    "actively engaging in organized harassment of individuals". The name has nothing to do with it, otherwise killingtranspeople, femalecorpses, coontown, etc. would've all been banned.

  11. look if a large group of people are harassing anyone then it's safe to say that a very large website like reddit (that tries to keep a clean site harassment-wise [see every subreddit that has witchhunting rules] would take care of it) and if you just look at the subreddits that were banned then you'd agree that they needed to go. this isnt "rip reddit" it's more "rip fucking awful human beings that like to have fun at other's expense"

    This right fuckin' here. Hopefully the admins go after the rest of the scummy subreddits that are there.

    If y'all think having entire subreddits dedicated to denigrating groups of people is cool, then kindly stay the fuck away from me.

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