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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Some of y'all are so damn sus.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      You're the worst of them all :]

    2. Ikaru
  2. I didn't have any intentions to push to Gold this season since I've been really busy lately. But a Silver V friend of mine wanted to get big in the britches and talk shit. There's no win-fuel like spite.
  3. Procrastinated all season. 10 game win-streak to get where I belong.
  4. I'm reporting every post that misuses #pigswag from now on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solarance
    3. TRHStatement
    4. Neo


      Rule 3, you fucks. No having fun at the expense of others. Enjoy your warnings.

  5. Regi explicitly stated that Xpecial will not be coming back.
  6. Wildturtle's lack of strength has been a big hindrance for TSM for a while now. While Dyrus able to draw enemy resources top lane, Bjerg was pretty much the only carry they had since WT really lacked the ability to hard carry. Not to mention he was constantly fucking melee-mode during teamfights. (They probably should've run a lot of Juggermaw/JuggerVayne to suit this fact, tbh)
  7. <off topic> Kanye's sloppy critique of the VMAs was hella accurate. Homeboy was pointin' out some real shit. <on topic> I'm content with the Tigers taking just one game off of SKT, since nobody has been able to do that since god knows when. I really hope the team sticks together, because they definitely will be a contender for the Finals again next year.
  8. 45% CDR frome the utility tree is so nice. Expect more Annie support now that she can keep Tibbers up permanently.
  9. In the name of the Mother, Son, and the Holy Spirit
  10. Today has been interesting. I've seen this phrase a bunch of times today: "LoL is a dead game like Starcraft now. Koreans killed it" The question is, did they really? The game is far from dead, pulling 500k+ viewers two days in a row (On Twitch alone. Nevermind Chinese/Korea streaming sites) , and no doubt the final will only have more. Why can't the West get its shit together? What can we see from Occidental teams to make the international scene more competitive? When will teams on this hemisphere actually start fostering real growth in the region by grooming solo queue talent?
  11. Speak for yourself, bud. My KOO Tigers are in the final.
  12. *continues to play AP Sona unironically*
  13. Ever since I left the city you

  14. Been using the shit out of Tahm lately. I love the guy, hopefully when he IS nerfed, he isn't hit too hard.
  15. My favorite Support will always be my bae Sona. But if I had to pick one to always support me when I ADC it'd be Soraka. If I fuck up and fail a trade, she erases it immediately and I have an advantage
  16. For all you fucking weebs out there.
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