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Posts posted by Neo

  1. Moving this over from the screenshots thread:

    Never stick to one annie build, epseically at support. Especially that build; Annie isn't meant to be a tank, so you should invest in a wee bit more damage. Although support builds vary vastly from game to game, you should always get FQC instead of Talisman if you are going to get Righteous Glory.

    If there's one item that works great on support Annie and is a good buy every game (except the obvious sightstone, mikael's etc.) it's Twin Shadows. This item's everything works very well with her.

    Except that's wrong.

    The most common (and effective) way to build Annie at the moment is to start Spellthief's Edge, pick up Forbidden Idol after boots (Mobi w/ Distortion Enchant)/SS, then change it into a Talisman. From there you pick up Righteous Glory, then TS. From there, it's up to you about whether or not you're going to leave the 6th slot open for pink wards, or ignore vision for a 6th item.

  2. People that say pick a real support when someone goes Annie makes me want to gouge my eyes out and pour gasoline down my eye sockets. Too graphic?

    Annie as a support is great. Building her like crap, not so much. Seeing a "support" annie with a full AP build makes me wanna commit sudoku.

  3. that i was supposed to turn heel in 2011 but it didnt work out as planned and now vince kept me as the posterboy for the wwe but that stupid noodle haired idiot roman reigns will steal the spotlight and become the face of the wwe

    It's okay, you're dating(married to?) a Bella twin.

  4. Shroom placement depends entirely on the enemy laner/ jungler. It's also important to note that Mushrooms aren't adequate replacements for wards.

    Start Doran's Ring, if needed, (you're up against someone that likes to smack your face) glacial shroud after Doran's. Otherwise D ring -> Cutlass -> Sorc. Shoes -> Bork -> Haunting Guise -> Iceborne Gauntlet -> Liandry's Torment -> Luden's Echo -> [insert flex item here]

  5. They're actively working on the map. When work on the map pretty much finishes, then it'll no long be beta. If I'm correct, we've got ducks coming to the rift in patch 5.5, AND files for banners on the rift were discovered recently. (These banners had the names of Esports organizations)

  6. healthy? impossible. the gene that allows it to jump infinitely until evolving had to be inherited from ame, and since she cant repeatedly jump for that long, poor lil' spoinkmethyst must've died as soon as he she xe ...it... came out.

    False. Grumpig belongs to the largest egg group in the game. Meaning that, odds are, its parents are different species from one another. Only one copy of the gene is necessary to form the spring. Little baby Umi is just fine.

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  7. Maybe I don't, but what about Req?

    Don't be gross. She takes the Grumpig in as her wife, and they eventually give birth to a healthy baby spoink that has blonde hair and a blue nose./pearl.

    I don't write Pokesmut. My writing has passion.

  8. Does it involve her frying the grumpig and consuming it in bacon strips?

    Don't be gross. She takes the Grumpig in as her wife, and they eventually give birth to a healthy baby spoink that has blonde hair and a blue nose./pearl.

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