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Posts posted by Neo

  1. "So I bought Veigar and played him adc"

    I quit, this guy is beyond hope

    Wow, it's almost like everyone's a beginner at some point.

    (And let's be real, if you're under Plat, you should refrain from judging too harshly.)

  2. I kinda want to queue up with high golds and plats so I can attempt to improve my play the best way I learn.

    Look for the flaws in how people at your level play. Then, look at your own flaws. Assess how you can fix it, and go from there. Don't put the burden of carrying on yourself. Play your game the best you can, and the rest will follow.

  3. there is a current best champ in the game, her name is Nidalee

    She's good, but if we're gonna talk sheer ability, then that title goes to two supports: Thresh and Janna.

    Janna has been a force pretty much forever, and Thresh has yet to go away since his introduction. Regardless of meta, these two remain.

  4. I was mostly referring to a specific instance there. I rarely live when my ADC dies since I've blown all my CC and stuff trying to save them (and they decide to run into the enemy team thinking a few seconds of CC means they can kill all of them when they're at %10 health?) In this case I was Annie and my ADC died a lot... I ended up carrying the lane with a 6/1 score while my ADC whined that I only used my Tibbarz stun after they died (NVM cooldowns >_> Also Shaco was a big help keeping our turret alive)

    ADC dies, and they're gonna come 2v1 for the tower like that, just back off of it. Get some vision down in other parts of the map, roam up, and see if you can match towers somewhere. This is dependent on tower health, jungler/mid position, and who you're playing, though.

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