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Everything posted by Neo

  1. We broke up, stop making me like you again.

    1. Anvilicious


      It's okay to have lingering feelings for someone even if you don't want to get back together with them.

    2. Maelstrom


      That's what she wants. Don't give in, scrub.

  2. The only really significant one on that list is Darius. The rest are just cycled out as a result of meta changes. I agree that they needed love, but Riot definitely didn't do enough internal testing on these changes. Champs like this are a pain in the ass to balance, but if they'd use context when making these changes they'd be all good. Using benchmark champs like Renekton/Orianna/Corki to kinda see where a champion falls on a power scale is definitely they should consider doing.
  3. Seeing all these loud desktop wall AND then they have icons
  4. Just as I was about to break the cyclical argument in the thread you locked it. C'mon, Jericho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      Well, it stayed open longer than I thought it'd be.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Had to be done, sorry fam.

    4. Chase


      Neo, it needed to be closed, but I appreciate your would-be efforts. <3

  5. Then it isn't lowkey. Step your aave game up.
  6. You should consider ricing the shit out of it. Get something like xfce/openbox and go nuts because the possibilities are limitless with Gnu plus Linux
  7. Neo


    I wrote that really pretty paragraph a page ago about this, fam. C'mon now.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-DVmgRb0v0 This is why people shouldn't trust dubs.
  9. Azir is only two points behind Katarina in popularity, and she's a rather popular champion.
  10. Neo


    Let me jump in on this one, since I've got a decent background with astrophysics. The leading hypothesis behind the Big Bang Theory at the moment is one that involves quantum particles and empty space. So, let's say we've got nothing. Absolutely, nothing. No space-time, no matter, nothing. But what we do have is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the Brooker-Dewitt Equation, and well, physics. Many quantum particles are in a state of superimposition, simultaneously existing and not existing, using the Uncertainty Principle, this allows for empty space to come into existence through sheer probability thanks to these fluctuations going on in a false vacuum. Once a particle, that is infinitely small as it's completely described by its radius that is/contains a true vacuum pops itself into existence, it can then expand exponentially resulting in the universe we have now. The math isn't all the way there, but at the moment it is definitely the closest we have to solving the "something from nothing" issue. The biggest issue at the moment comes from determining whether the laws of physics were created with the universe, or simply exist.
  11. I seriously wish I had the Ace feel thread, man.

    1. Felicity


      When did you lose Ace? O.o

    2. Meruem


      warnings amirite

    3. Tacos


      I miss trying to decipher your feels.

  12. If Sivir isn't getting the champion skin, then Azir is. Remember, he's a Marksman and has been hands down the most important mid laner all season.

  14. Apollo going back to his Wizfujin days with his shit positioning

  15. Lucian the most dominant at worlds? You misspelled Corki, man.
  16. \ Settin' up penta in the game winning fight. Gotta love it.
  17. This season is the least snowbally overall. This patch sucks and it probably will suck until 5.18 (worlds patch). Just grit your teeth and thank the heavens you weren't playing in Season 2.
  18. Liquid or TiP. Anyone else just doesn't seem strong enough for Worlds.
  19. The term is 'Insec'. Insec is the jungler that popularized the move.
  20. ;_; I sacrifice winrate for friendships
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