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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Wouldn't need to nerf Braum if they'd just buff other fucking supports. Ali/Braum are only strong because Rito decided to nerf every other fucking support since last season.
  2. Emerald is the best game in the series. GF did a near-perfect job when they made it.
  3. Yes, definitely. Black people asking others to not speak on Black issues without having the background for it is definitely upholding white supremacy. EDIT: Let's keep this on topic and keep talking about the shitshow that the GOP has got going on.
  4. I'm gonna send you some shit to read on, fam.
  5. Try messaging me again, fam. Going over the roadblocks for Carson is fine, go ahead, but if you're gonna do it you're gonna have to do better than the above. I'll defs take the time to go over some of this after LCS finals.
  6. PSA: If you're not black, you probably shouldn't be speaking on issues pertaining directly to black people. Thanks.
  7. I love Piglet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. foovy10


      piglet more like godlet

    3. Shamitako


      Owl reminds me too much of LoZ:OoT's owl

    4. Fumble


      Piglet \o/

  8. Boots of mobility are generally the best choice. Being able to set up vision and get the fuck out quickly or easily roam is pretty important for a support.
  9. <Please don't build ionians on supps like Nami. Your build will easily get you 40%>
  10. Um excuse you. Lyte MD. Doesn't make mistakes when it comes to behavioral analysis. He's got a PHD. He's a big time DOCTOR. Who knows all because he took all the time to go through a DOCTORAL program to receive his DOCTORATE. He's a certified DOCTOR. Please don't assume he's wrong on things like this because in his professional expert DOCTOR opinion he knows what's right for League of legends. I mean, he does have a PHD after all. I place my faith in Lyte MD 100%.
  11. Y'all are messy. Clean your shit up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foovy10
    3. dead account

      dead account

      Never! *Throws empty bottle at Neo*

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      *picks up pooper scooper, then proceeds to scoop poop and fling it around the room causing the great poop war of 2015*

  12. Got damn son. This Pokken shit is lamped the fuck up

  13. I went ahead and bolded every instance of deflection for you. You don't have to adopt a carry mentality to climb, but you damn well need to adopt a student mentality. Just learn from where YOU messed up. Not "my team though x" or "if my team did x". You you you you you. Focus on how YOU'RE playing the game and what YOU could be doing better.
  14. :^) "tumblr disorders" Nice job dismissing people who might not have access to a doctor to actually diagnose them.
  15. Seems like you're looking for every reason but your own play for your losses. Realize that every loss means you fucked up and move forward.
  16. Hypercarries shouldn't hit power-troughs late game. Which is precisely her issue. Once everyone has ~4 items. she falls down to secondary damage dealer. Her tower damage is beautiful and all, but she doesn't do nearly as much in the late game as she used to. She's a strong ADC, but a hypercarry she is not.
  17. The kills are alright. Like, I've had high-kill games on supps. My biggest peeve is the lack of utility in her build. Garen picked up the Locket, cool. But, no supp item, so you're lacking a pretty big active out of either Frost Queen's or Talisman, No Rylai's for the slow, No banner of command, No righteous glory, or really...any moderately supportive item outside of Sighstone/Trinket. Build is everything, and yeah being a second APC worked in this case, it serves as a hindrance going forward because it just says "Well, if I just build AP in the botlane, everthing's cool". Deathcap/Zhonya's are not support items. They can be built on supps, but they're not supp items. Same applies with Abyssal (though you'd be hard pressed to find a support waste a slot on that when Aegis is available for the MR)
  18. Do you think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
  19. Every MOBA dating back to WC3 Dota has a sandbox mode. Riot doesn't really have any excuses on this one.
  20. The team that would be building a new client, wouldn't be working on sandbox mode. Riot can, and should, be able to deliver both.
  21. "Give me an example of a system that was never truly implemented on a meaningful scale because Socialism/Communism is not conducive with the system of Imperialism that facilitated Capitalism in the western world" My arguments against Capitalism are far more social than they are economic. Capitalism was born from and lives off of multiple systems of oppression that work together to give us the world we have today. In an ideal setting, ridding ourselves of these systems of oppression will also require the abandonment of Capitalism.
  22. And starvation isn't that bad if you have food.
  23. "You hugged Obama and would probably do it again"
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