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Posts posted by Neo

  1. Let's talk "deflategate".

    From what we know:

    • Pat's balls were 1 pound under during the first half
    • Balls were reinflated before the second half
    • 11/12 balls were underinflated
    • Balls were okay at the start of the game

    Do you think the Pats cheated? Could it be that they were inflated in a room that had the heater on, so when they went outside they lost pressure?

    Clearly this issue has got people divided on both sides.

    Let's be real for a second. 1 lb isn't going to change a 38 point blowout. Second, ALL QBs have a preference for their balls. Some like them overinflated, others under, some like them scuffed up before the game starts. This here seems like a matter of QB preference to me. It's cold outside, Brady doesn't exactly have big hands, it makes sense that he'd want to ball to not feel like a rock.

    The NFL DOES have rules for the inflation of the ball, but doesn't actually specify why. It's also common knowledge that QBs play around with the feel of their balls all the time.

    What's y'all's take on this?

  2. YFXnd5l.png

    Do you like League of Legends?

    Do you follow the pro scene?

    Do you sleep with a Faker Dakimakura?

    Of course you do!

    The Reborn fantasy league is the best (and only) league around!

    Aight, so here's how it'll work.

    This is gonna be an 8-man league (If interest is higher, others can be made).

    The draft will be held at a date that works best for everyone participating, hopefully before this week's matches.

    Of course, no league would be complete w/o prizes!

    1st. Place will receive $25 RP

    2nd. Place will receive $10 RP

    3rd. Place will receive a Mystery Skin

    Prizes will be dealt at the end of the split.


    • Don't be a dick
    • Don't be a dick
    • Don't be a dick
    • Don't be a dick

    If you've got any questions, go ahead and post them in this thread.

  3. It's gotta be their hair, yo

    On DFG: I'm mostly just scared on Mordekaiser, I generally rush a DFG for him so I can just murder all the things (it's active goes exceptionally well with his ult) and it's so awesome and I will miss it so much QQ (I also build it pretty early on Annie, IIRC my standard build is DFG>MPen Boots>DC>Void Staff>Enchant>Zhonya's/Rylai's>Rylai's/Zhonya's guess I can finally fit in that RoA...)

    You're wasting money by getting RoA on him. He doesn't need the mana, and he only gets half of the Catalyst passive. WotA (Will of the Ancients) is pretty much essential on him because of the synergy with his kit.

  4. Not everything is a race issue, man. Terrorism in a third world country gets less attention than terrorism in a first world country, that's why you see a big stink about this and not about Boko Haram. (Which we really should care more. I mean, if I recall correctly, they're the ones that attack schools and such because apparently education is evil.)

    Except literally everything can be traced back to race in some way shape or form, and its incredibly important to view things through every possible lens.

    It's very clear that the coverage isn't being shown because

    I. It doesn't aid in furthering the climate of Islamophobia in Europe.

    II. Audiences in both Europe and North America are incredibly unsympathetic to happenings in Africa.

  5. There's been something that has bothered me lately. It's the fact that 2,000 people in Nigeria were killed by Boko Haram, yet it has had way less coverage than the 17 people that were killed in France.

    White lives and "Freedom of Speech" > Entire villages being wiped off the map.

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