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Everything posted by Neo

  1. PSA: I do not agree with any sentiments expressed in this song. Most of y'all can't speak patois, so I'm advising you to be careful if you choose to look up the lyrics as they could be triggering. That being said, I've been listening to a lot dancehall because I really miss the Jamaican half of my family.
  2. Faker finds 30 ping unplayable. Imagine how he feels about 100 ping? With this move to Chicago, I think expecting an average of 50 ping would be really nice. Though it could be lower, since I get about 30 ping on Dota and their server is in Chicago.
  3. http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/help-support/ZwVkoboV-na-server-roadmap-update-chicago-here-we-come B E T T E R P I N G B O Y S This right here (Though I prefer red side, oddly enough) Work off of locked screen slowly by using that partially locked option. Move from there until you're playing fully unlocked.
  4. It was found, Riot just doesn't listen.
  5. http://skins.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/gameover/
  6. *supp main twiddles his fingers*
  7. This is Lee Syndrome explained, my friend.
  8. Just post the picture instead of the imgur link, m8. Click the image after you upload it, so you get the link ending in jpg/png/bmp/whateverthefuck, then hit the little tree inside a picture next to the <> and past the link.
  9. I'd expect nothing less from the man who held #1 rank in both KR and NA at the same time.
  10. Yeah, that's true. Typically, though, you can see if the pro is practicing what they're gonna play on the current patch. (Like Rush, who has been playing quite a bit Evelynn lately.)
  11. If someone has mastered the game, there's nothing wrong with attempting to emulate them.
  12. P I G L E T

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tacos


      I was on reddit and saw a VOD of the backdoor. Honestly, that was such poor awareness on TIP's behalf. To not notice the two main damage dealers of TL gone with that little defense for your nexus is just pathetic.

    3. Neo


      foovy, watch it on /r/loleventvods

  13. Guess you didn't see Rush rip GV a new one with Evelynn today, huh?
  14. Games like these are why I play the fucking game. Really intense from start to finish. (I met Zed of legends two games ago after they struck up a conversation in Korean)
  15. YOU BUY IT FOR THE ACTIVE For real, no one cares about the MR, and even then, if you've got a suppression that's being a pain in the ass QSS, allows you to remove it and reposition to fight better. Rather than be a sitting duck once Zhonya's ends.
  16. You read the rest of this thread? You left field from the rest of the us-based opinions. (I agree w/ you tho)
  17. YARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR "GP what are you doing? Wtf, why no crits? ff@20" - Soraka 2015
  18. Nah. Challenger Azir main from KR suggests sticking with ignite unless you're REALLY scared of Leblanc/Syndra, then Heal/Barrier is worth taking, though ignite really is the best choice. For champs like Riven/Zed, he does recommend taking Exhaust, though. Edit: I'm a misreading fuck wit
  19. Jack wanted to support Shaco, took one for the squad.
  20. Runeglaive Orianna Penta. Nice.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Felicity


      I have minimal League experience I admit but enough to know a Penta is bloody good, though that may be an understatement

    3. Shamitako


      Runeglaive Ori, I kinda wanna try that before Runeglaive gets nerfed

    4. Kaito


      That was fucking beautiful. Love UoL.

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