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Posts posted by Neo

  1. 'A lot of the problems'

    A large about of conflict between Muslims and the rest of the populace in Europe stems from rampant Islamophobia. Immigrants from the Middle East face rampant discrimination and are treated as outsiders, despite many living there for well over three generations.

  2. While I cannot condone the murder of the people behind Charlie Hebdo, I also cannot condone the Islamophobic made by the publication. The alienation of Muslim-Europeans is a travesty, and something must be done to reduce discrimination towards Europe's fastest growing minority.


    Age: 19 (on Monday)
    Birthday: December 8th
    Location: Texas
    Height: 6' 0" (I GREW)
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Dark Brown
    Live With: Mom, brother, sister,
    Pets?: Oscar and Vienna (Mini Dachshund) Dakota (Black Lab)
    Crushes lately?: My best friend, tbh.
    Dream Job: Porn judge
    Currently Playing: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, League of Legends

    Favourite Food: Medium rare porterhouse steak
    Favourite Drink: London Fog Tea
    Favourite Color: Grey
    Favourite kind of Music: Hip-hop
    Favourite Band: Metric
    Favourite Album: The Low End Theory - ATCQ, Operation Doomsaday - MF Doom, College Dropout - Kanye West, Synthetica - Metric.
    Favourite Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Favourite Genre of Game: MOBA
    Favourite Hobbies: League of Legends, Movies, Fashion
    Favourite Movies: Alice in Wonderland, New Tokyo Decadence: The Slave, Spirited Away, American Psycho
    Favourite Shows: Ghost in Shell 2nd Gig, K-ON, King of the Hill,

  4. Sure. What's the context of that famous video? All I've seen is a bunch of cops try to take him down, and one gets an arm around his neck. And the guy died. One news thing I saw about it said that choke holds aren't allowed for officers. But what was the actual cause of death? He doesn't look like the healthiest American and the cop didn't get indicted, so my suspicion isn't that it was a result of asphyxiation.

    So yeah, I'm being kinda tired and lazy right now, so give us a legit rundown of the facts and we can look at 'em critically.

    If I'm correct, they were questioning him over illegal cigarettes. The situation went from questioning, to well, you know the result.


    one of us. One Of Us. ONE OF US. ONE.OF.US.

    So he's harder to play as, whatever. It's pretty clear from the rest of your post that he was just being an asshole anyways, he would have done the same thing with whoever he picked, Brand was just an easy choice for it

    Fuck support brand and everyone who plays it.

  6. I just wanna say one thing, I generally don't speak a whole lot on abortion because I haven't figured out my stance myself:

    incest by itself is harmless, and inbreeding generally only results in serious genetic flaws when it happens over multiple generations, and even then it's not a massive increase all things considered, unless it's close relations like parent/child or sibling/sibling.


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