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Everything posted by Neo

  1. EXCUSE ME, SIR. PLEASE DO NOT MISUSE #pigswag. IT IS NOT A GENERAL SMILE NOR IT IS FOR PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE SITUATIONS. IT IS FOR WHEN YOU'RE FEELING PARTICULARLY PIGGLYWIGGLY AND AS SUCH YOU NEED TO EXPRESS IT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. I've been told by some diamond+ friends that it's not a bad way to learn, granted focusing on one something until you master it is obviously better. You pick up a bunch of champs, you experience a bunch of roles, and you gain general game knowledge. That being said, I can also see why you wouldn't want to do that.
  2. Abuse -> Gain LP -> It gets nerfed -> Move to next fotm -> Abuse -> repeat
  3. If you're gonna make a point about a champion at least back it up like otherwise it means all of shit. While Diana IS strong right now, she's being taken in the jungle, as that's where her strength comes from. Comparing a champ that's primarily jungle based to a champ that goes either mid or top is silly. Yeah, if you look it up you'll see that most of Diana's games in Plat+ ranked are played mid, but those numbers are also skewed towards Diana mains. Secondly, LB is in a really shitty spot right now. She's hovering at a nice 44% winrate as the meta just isn't in her favor. Not saying Akali is doing much better (Her winrate fucking DOVE this patch thanks to the changes), but backin' your shit up with facts is hella important for discussions regarding meta. TBH, Anivia is a really good AP carry to learn if you're willing to put in the time. Galio's also not doing so bad atm. Taking advantage of Runeglaive Ez is probably the easiest way to carry, though since he's still a broken piece of shit.
  4. I ran support Shen two years ago. I'm glad it's back and strong af.

    1. foovy10


      Quas even says it after the game that pig caused the win -_-

  6. 3 AP Udyr games in a row and I'm off tilt. God bless Trick2g

  7. It's an excellent anime that is a MUST watch. Definitely one of, if not, my favorite(s). Watch the Director's cut on the appropriate episodes, and you're square. Considering it's 2015, you couldn't have chosen a better time to watch the show.
  8. On tilt...

    1. foovy10


      Devourer Shyvana or Support Tahm is the answer for you

    2. Ikaru


      man, same

  9. (@Silver. You already easily hit 40% cdr on Thresh. No need to waste stats with Lucidity boots, get mobis)
  10. Skin amount didn't stop Morgana from gettinng it last year, and worrying about skins being similar is silly. Remember when there were concerns about DJ Sona being too similar to Arcade?
  11. Definitely going to be either Sivir or Kalista. They've both been huge forces in competitive this year, Sivir especially, she's been meta all season.
  12. I can inject you in battle spot/gtsable versions of the mons you want if that's cool w/ you.
  13. OIimar was my dude last time around. Lately, it's been a lot of Falcon, Yoshi, and Zero Suit tho
  14. Aight, so I went ahead and picked myself up a Wii U and Sm4sh. How would y'all suggest I go about improving my smash mechanics? (Still on my Brawl shit)
  15. In that case, go Ekko. He's got a bunch of cool things about him: He's black, He's got a sword, he fucks with time, he's black
  16. What level are you, General? Because it might be worth investing the IP into, at the very least, two sets of general runes.
  17. http://cloud9.gg/news/thank-you-meteos WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? "WELL, I CAN'T SHOTCALL AND HAVE PLAYED LIKE TRASH THIS SPLIT, SO.... BYE?" Dude dips after being with the squad since they were Quantic gaming because shit got rough? Fake af.
  18. Ez and I were losing in lane until a certain song came on. Then my hooks were sweet:
  19. Runeglaive Ezreal is rather strong right now too. I wonder if Riot is going to nerf the jungle items like they did last season..
  20. All support champions are my babies and I will care for each and every one of them. (I also basically mained Nami into Gold with an 80% winrate last year)
  21. Tell your girlfriend we will 1v1 if she builds Athene's on my baby again.
  22. Of course the cops are livid over it. The moment you "threaten" their free reign over the people they're supposed to protect, they get upset. The NYPD is crooked as fuck, and just about anyone who has spent more than a week in New York can tell you that. Hopefully this is the beginning of an entire sweeping wave of reforms.
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