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Posts posted by Neo

  1. why can't black people die without it being a goddamn race issue every time? People get shot by the police sometimes. I don't remember it being a race issue when an immigrant (idr where he was from, I want to say Middle Eastern but idk) was literally crushed to death by cops.

    I'm gonna have to politely ask you to shut the fuck up.

  2. We've got a new video here. Teaser, most likely:

    Some say it's for a new champion, while others speculate it's for a Cho'Gath VU or relaunch despite the monster being referred to as female...personally, I'm inclined to believe it's the latter.

    Leaker already said its a new champ, and he's been dead on so far, so....

  3. Damn it Neo, I love Arizona tea, I can never look at it the same.

    Also my favorite thing is the element Mercury. It is a liquid metal that shrinks and expands depending on what temperature it is. It more fun than a barrel of monkeys, provided you don't get any on your skin, cause that stuff is very toxic.


  4. Sona vs. Lux - the Ultimate (skin) Showdown

    "Thing is I honestly don't have much to say on the matter. My guess is that she'd get a skin sooner than later, but I'm not sure what sort of tier that skin would be at. I was just exiting the Skins team as that was going on and I've become much less in sync with their plans."

    - IronStylus

    That sounds suspicious

    Files were already datamind, bruh. DJ Sona bois

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