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Posts posted by Neo

  1. Possible but I doubt that, since the files had "teaser" in their names. Usually when they do "teasers" like this it's a new champion, or it's a (ultimate) skin.

    Ultimate is pretty much confirmed for Sona by insiders who spilled the beans.

  2. Carefully thought out? Don't make me laugh. The party system exists as it does now because a bunch of people got together because they wanted some stuff passed in Congress, and then another party formed because they thought the first party was stupid. Party-line politics are toxic as hell at this point, and calling independents/centrists hipsters is moronic.

    Go back and read what I said, son.

    Political views fall onto a spectrum. When he says "I won't classify myself as left or right", he's outright ignoring that. Homeslice didn't even give any sort of indication of what his views are, so settle down there, cowboy.

  3. I don't think people should even be labelling their political views. Seriously, we shouldn't have categories for such thinngs, nor should we have these 2 parties that most politicians belong to. Dp you know how many independent presidents we have had in history? Zero. (George Washington does not count.) Now we're in a lot of standstills because of petty bickering and nonsense, where group A and group B refuse to get along or compromise.

    I'm not liberal or libertarian or left or right or anything, I won't classify myself that way.

    Yes, yes. Ignore the carefully thought out political spectrum in the name of being a hipster.

  4. police afraid of black people: confirmed. why you black peeps gotta be so scary?

    Yeah, see. It's not very funny when it gets to the point that many people live in fear. To you, this may seem trivial, but this is a huge fucking issue. I'd get into it again with you, but we've seen where that discussion has gone.

  5. https://vt.tumblr.com/tumblr_nd3pa8gxnb1qewhh5.mp4#_=_

    This shit here got me fucked up. Video evidence that the people did nothing wrong, and yet the cops thought it okay to break the window and taze the guy. The family filed a federal lawsuit, and this video will probably win it for them, assuming the cops aren't in bed with the prosecutor like the Ferguson police department.


  6. Even then you'll find that post of the people on Inven agree that white is the stronger group.

    I'm looking forward to my Samsung x v. Najin finals, though. If Najin can play smart they just might take it.

  7. No matter what happens from now on in worlds, the highlight is KaBuM finishing off europe from the tournament. I'll never forget that game omfg get f*ckin destroyed alliance heuheuehueheu. It was also such perfect timing since wildcard teams were being bashed on reddit.

    I wanna see more upsets but I highly doubt it, finals are probably going to be blue vs shield. Maybe one of the chinese can surprise shield or white can surprise blue but I dont really see it (no one saw kabum trashing alliance so who knows)

    White is the stronger team in terms of Blue v. White, so Blue winning would be a slight upset.

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