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Posts posted by Neo

  1. Not affiliated with nations in anyway here (and I'm not sure if I want to if this is how they handle shit)

    But yeah, the ban amounts were excessive AND rather bogus because participation in any incident whether it be 6 "( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)" or 1

    "Hello, my name is Juan Pastoroni, CEO of Copy Pasta Industries. I'd like to let you know that we've just gained copyrights on a lot of copy pastas seen in this chat. If you are using them right now, please refrain from doing so, or risk being fined under copyright infringement. Thank you, and don't be funny and copy and paste this. This is business, kid. Again, no cappuccino pasterino or you're fucking deaderino kidderino" means that the user should be punished for taking advantage of the situation.

    1-2 weeks is more than an adequate punishment.

  2. I run support, not mid, Pocky

    Nooooooooooooo. Support Lux maaaaaay be a stretch, but there's very little supporting going on with this build. You may be level 10, but again it's never too late to develop good habits. Sightstone is a MUST. Because vision is a MUST. If you wanna go into supporting, but still maintain the mage-ish archetype, pick up Morgana. She's excellent for that AND you can develop good support building habits. none of this early S4 mage in the botlane shit

    I minimize CDR because the 40 second cooldown on my ult at level two is insanely helpful. Thus I grab Athene's and Morellonomicon ASAP for that

    The CDR from Athene's + Sorcery Mastery + Blue Buff will drop you in at a nice 35%, more than enough to get the job done. Going over in CDR (unless you're playing true support because Riot fucking hates us) ain't gonna help.

    The tear is sometimes overkill, sometimes not. I usually only grab it if I'm still having trouble keeping my mana up at level 9ish. In this case I was, so I grabbed it. Archangel's is actually really handy on her if you're sitting around a lot, generally better for mid, but I have it about just in case. I usually just stick with the tear

    Back to the good habits thing: Mana/Resource management. Never too late to pick it up.

    And like I said, at the time I was loaded and doing well so I didn't think too much of it

    My core is basically Athene's, Morellonomicon, Sorceror's Shoes. With usually either a Tear or a deathcap/Void Staff (depending on what I need at the time/how much gold I have) added on. Generally games don't get long enough for much more

    If you're in the bot lane, try Frost Queen's Claim, Sightstone, Sorc Boots, Mikael's Crucible, optional, Visionward4lyfespot

  3. Crazy to see how there aren't nearly as many votes this time around.


    The biggest issue that we're facing is that, according to the last vote, a sizable amount of people DON'T want the WiFi clause to be on the default ladder, which has caused this royal mess of multiple reforendums and squabbling, when the effort probably should have been spent on raising awareness on the other ladders.

    If that truly is the case, where are these people in the discussion? Why haven't they voted yet? We can't make decisions around purely hypothetical people.

  4. Neo would. That was his argument earlier against me, that judging would be wrong. Whether initial judgements are wrong or not, they happen and are an attempt at preparing for future interactions. And one control's one's world when one can predict and alter outcomes to one's favor.

    It's kind of a fact of life that life experiences and perceptions are always used to ready a person in some way for what might happen.

    Don't put words in my mouth, fuccboi.

    If the ONLY reason why you're worried is because of the person's race, then yeah, you're fucking racist. If there are other factors contributing to the danger of the situation, then no of course not.

  5. How would freeze clause work, anyway? If I randomly freeze you with an Ice Beam or something, then I can't use any more Ice Beams until you thaw out?

    Freeze is purely luck-based, unlike all the other status conditions. There's no move with anything greater than a 30% freeze chance.

    You can keep using it, but if you do happen to get another freeze, it won't work until the first one thaws.

    Any reason smogon tiers are being used instead of Reborn tiers?

    Cuz smogon > Reborn in Gen 6

    Also I'm down to either participate/co-host if you still need it.

  6. Skin amount isn't factored in for the Victorious line. It's about champs that had a huge impact on that season. She's definitely earned it this season. I wonder who's gonna get the Championship skin this year.

    edit: Page 100 get

  7. The whole situation is like a love Drama there, the land is that girl who's been back and forth with two dudes for about 5 years and now they've both asked for her hand in marriage and they'll say they each have been dating her for years.

    Less back and forth for years and more like Palestine's been there since the Roman empire was a thing, and because the world felt bad after the holocaust, we told them to take a hike.

  8. I absolutely relate to Satan/Lucifer, so that is why I chose it. If I was him incarnate/ the anti-christ, I would be surprised, but I would accept it. I am no devil worshiper, but I have looked it up and found the actual ideollogy to be more appealing and sensible than traditional judeo-catholicism. Did you think I was lackadaisical is my choice?!

    I...You...You missed the point completely. To avoid having an aneurism, I'm just not gonna continue this one.

    Prison Industrial Complex. That thing that is looked upon as making prisoners contribute something to society and earn their keep within a prison?

    Could you be any more wrong? I honestly feel like you're just choosing to outright ignore the shit I'm posting at this point. Go read the links I posted.

    Whether or not prisoners receive better treatment than soldiers is an entirely different can of worms.

    The only people complaining about militarization are the ignorant ones.

    Tell that to the people of China, the people in former Soviet Republics, and the people in North Korea, I'm sure they'd love to hear this crock of shit.

    I'm in the army and i've seen enough country boys to take the initial assumption more seriously. Cuz yeah, it's kinda true. Your point is moot here,

    even though I'd group them more as being obsessed with the great outdoors and how the losses in their lives

    (their dog, their girl, their house, their brother, etc, to hear some sing of it) have made them who they are. I can respect that much more than other musical examples.

    You honestly... cannot miss the point this bad. It's like you're going out of your way to sounds as ignorant as possible at this point. If you can't see why making broad statements about a race of people over music

    is fucking wrong, then I can't help you.

    oh, you lived the thug life? please do share. cuz obviously I have a great misconception of it thanks to all the rapping about it. This guy actually shares my misconceptions

    Swear on my mother if I see that corny fuck on the forums one more time. No, I haven't lived the 'Thug Life'. Did you miss the very important word choice I made in the words 'PART OF THE CULTURE'

    I'm gonna make this as simple as possible. Black/Hip-hop culture is the result of a reaction to external stimuli. It IS NOT the reason why Blacks are in the place they are, but the result of being put there.

    Your fault is you ASSUME it occurred no mater what.

    Just like your fault is to assume the altercation occurred at all. Nice double-standard there though.

    Did I mention, I'm a white-washed mexican? Yeah, I kind of don't, but i can hear what gets to the radio and I'm not pleased. Just as I am not pleased with screamo/heavy metal.

    Ah, I suppose your ignorance to the subject is a valid excuse for making these broad generalization then. Oh wait. IT ISN'T. If you're not going to educate yourself on the subject, then don't go out of your way to make these sweeping generalizations.

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