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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. If Piglet gets blamed after this weekend, I'm gonna be upset. Solo lanes and jungle are dropping the fucking ball, big time.

    1. diana


      Piglet played fine, there's literally nothing he can do when a fed Vi gets right through to the back line.

    2. Dark Desire
  2. False. Grumpig belongs to the largest egg group in the game. Meaning that, odds are, its parents are different species from one another. Only one copy of the gene is necessary to form the spring. Little baby Umi is just fine.
  3. I don't write Pokesmut. My writing has passion.
  4. Don't be gross. She takes the Grumpig in as her wife, and they eventually give birth to a healthy baby spoink that has blonde hair and a blue nose./pearl.
  5. You don't wanna see my Ame x Grumpig fanfic.
  6. My secret forum when I post my diary.
  7. Kiwikid goof'd on that last engage, big time.

    1. diana


      Hell yeah he did. I was honestly a little surprised with how quickly the game went after that Baron tbh

    2. Neo


      Give Cloud9 an inch, and they will take a mile every time.

  8. That reminds me. The banners on the main site are a a little outdated. They've got both Poke-Place, and [[Reborn]] on 'em still. I can whip up some new one's with Ame's approval.
  9. At some point it's like Disciple of Arceus or something like that. It's been so long since I've used my natural title...
  11. The looks of the person are dependent on their physical attributes. He'd go super saiyan as expected, perhaps with a gold tail. Y'all are dbz casuals
  12. You ever have those days where you're on point as fuck?
  13. Wasn't long until I played a game on my favorite champ's best skin.
  14. Yeah, again, it's not like hitting level 30 is a significant thing. Sit them down and talk to them without being elitist.
  15. Wow, it's almost like everyone's a beginner at some point. (And let's be real, if you're under Plat, you should refrain from judging too harshly.)
  16. The Fire Emblem series. Don't get me wrong, I dig it, I've played most of the games, I just find them overrated.
  17. When gotta hang when you get back to EP, before I move n shit.
  18. Look for the flaws in how people at your level play. Then, look at your own flaws. Assess how you can fix it, and go from there. Don't put the burden of carrying on yourself. Play your game the best you can, and the rest will follow.
  19. Knock that shit off.

  20. He only costs 450 IP. You can probably buy him after a few games.
  21. I've never heard of someone getting angry over a frozen lane...
  22. She's good, but if we're gonna talk sheer ability, then that title goes to two supports: Thresh and Janna.Janna has been a force pretty much forever, and Thresh has yet to go away since his introduction. Regardless of meta, these two remain.
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