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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Coyotte508 sits in his dark room, wringing his hands in an evil manner, he mutters to himself "If I can't have Reborn, then no one can."

  2. Marathon game, today!

  3. Nothing like a 10 hour session of Civ 5 with friends to assert that you're a mastermind.

    1. Jelly


      only 10 hours?? what kinda small map 3 armys...

    2. AuthorReborn


      Na, gotta go all day. Show that fool that you will beat him to every wonder and that resistance is futile.

  4. Freeze came through big this week

  5. Week 2 Day 2 Scores Orange Caramel 168.93 vs. Supports with Beef 150.41 Kosher's Kittens 155.01 vs. BrokenHearts 180.94 Taco Stand 30.00 vs. Lonkin Park 204.69 Froggen Pls 164.97 vs. Dingleberry Snipers 247.28 Current Standings 1. Dingleberry Snipers 2. Lonkin Park 3. Froggen Pls 4. Supports with Beef 5. BrokenHearts 6. Orange Caramel 7. Kosher's Kittens 8. Taco Stand
  6. Week 2 Day 1 Scores Orange Caramel 88.59 vs. Supports With Beef 69.08 Kosher's Kittens 98.64 vs. BrokenHearts 85.11 Taco Stand 18.00 vs. Lonkin Park 87.23 Froggen Pls 109.34 vs. Dingleberry Snipers 128.98 Current Standings 1. Dingleberry Snipers 2. Froggen Pls 3. Lonkin Park 4. Supports with Beef 5. Kosher's Kittens 6. Orange Caramel 7. BrokenHearts 8. Taco Stand
  7. Week 2 Matchups Orange Caramel (0-1) vs. Supports With Beef (1-0) Kosher's Kittens (0-1) vs. BrokenHearts (0-1) Taco Stand (0-1) vs. Lonkin Park (1-0) Froggen Pls (1-0) vs. Dingleberry Snipers (1-0)
  8. (Blue Ez is pretty much the dominant build for him rn.)
  9. He is one of, if not, the greatest QB to ever play the game.
  11. Diamond+ the dream this season, brada. See you there.
  12. C H A M P I O N B O Y Z

  14. On our way to #4!

    1. Simon


      That injury on Lane is pretty much gonna be the bane of Seattle.

    2. Simon


      And its tied... wow.

  15. I hope none of you had any Gravity players after that game. Least action packed game NA

  16. Just some pointers: Don't rush ruby sightstone. It does the same thing as a regular sightstone, but with more health. Mobility Boots > Merc Treads Captain > Alacrity (Shouldn't rush enchant. Save that for the end) And, against a team with that much AD, rushing armor/health should be a top priority. (Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen, etc.)
  17. Fantasy thread updated with tonight's scores. -- Sorry, Jelly.

    1. Jelly


      still top 3 qB^)

  18. Week 1: Day 2 Scores Orange Caramel (0-0) 116.69 vs. Froggen Pls (0-0) 115.37 Kosher's Kittens (0-0) 168.67 vs. Lonkin Park (0-0) 191.04 BrokenHearts (0-0) 139.02 vs. Dingleberry Snipers (0-0) 153.55 Taco Stand (0-0) 28.00 vs. Supports With Beef (0-0) 121.92 Current Standings: Lonkin Park 191.04 (+1) Kosher's Kittens 169.67 (+2) Dingleberry Snipers 153.55 (-2) BrokenHearts 139.02 (+2) Supports with Beef 121.92 (-2) Orange Caramel 116.69 (-1) Froggen Pls 115.37 (+0) Taco Stand 28.00 (+0)
  19. "Do not call this residence again"Instead of berating people who are doing their jobs, you could try to solve things w/o resorting to being a dick.
  20. Nunu does whatever the fuck he wants for 20 minutes. Featuring: Jeff
  21. Week 1: Day 1 Scores Orange Caramel (0-0) 64.45 vs. Froggen Pls (0-0) 44.40 Kosher's Kittens (0-0) 70.55 vs. Lonkin Park (0-0) 76.61 BrokenHearts (0-0) 53.24 vs. Dingleberry Snipers (0-0) 77.34 Taco Stand (0-0) 22.00 vs. Supports With Beef (0-0) 75.03 Current Standings: Dingleberry Snipers 77.34 Lonkin Park 76.61 Supports with Beef 75.03 Kosher's Kittens 70.55 Orange Caramel 64.45 BrokenHearts 53.24 Froggen Pls 44.40 Taco Stand 22.00
  22. If your idea of "dreadlocks" includes not washing your hair, stop talking to me.

  23. You'd think that, but.... 550 true damage + 115 (+75% AP) heal + 25% attack speed increase means that Nunu can get away with two dragons before the game hits 15 minutes.
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