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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Harbaugh is salty as fuck, and I'm loving it. Pats gonna take it this year.
  2. Yes, Hi, suggestion, please. Ban people I don't like, k thank you, will submit list to Auth.
  3. The only reason I main support is because Sona, Nami, Janna, and Lulu are by far my favorite champs. It's hard for me to pick one apart from them, but Sona definitely stands out because she was the first champ I mained.
  4. side-eyeing the fuck outta Kendrick Lamar for that respectability politics shit. smh

  5. 'A lot of the problems' A large about of conflict between Muslims and the rest of the populace in Europe stems from rampant Islamophobia. Immigrants from the Middle East face rampant discrimination and are treated as outsiders, despite many living there for well over three generations.
  6. While I cannot condone the murder of the people behind Charlie Hebdo, I also cannot condone the Islamophobic made by the publication. The alienation of Muslim-Europeans is a travesty, and something must be done to reduce discrimination towards Europe's fastest growing minority.
  7. lmao call the dr. Someone's got a fractured ass

    1. KingRyan


      too much fun with that one guy at that one time in that one place?

    2. Jelly
  8. You mean off-brand Ninja Turtles?
  10. Hi! Welcome to Reborn! Now, about that anime list... You're missing Boku no Pico. 10/10 would watch again.
  11. I know the Doran Ring guy. He added me after I put the fear of god into him as Morg. Speaking of putting the fear of God into people:
  12. I love being in control of a game.
  13. Let's get that fuccboi off of the status bar

  14. Hi hi new person. I took the liberty of Santafying your avi so that you can partake in the hattening.
  15. Neo

    WWE Games

    I haven't played a WWE game since Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. Still love that game though.
  16. we hat now bois

    1. zimvader42


      Noire xmas hat. Wonderful.

    2. Ikaru


      ayyy the image editing skills comin' thru

  17. Just got out of a game with a Shyvana. Couldn't ask for a better example build:
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