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Everything posted by Neo

  2. It's that time of year! I get to go car shopping >:J

    1. Maelstrom


      You going for the sports car or future cars hot wheel set this year?

    2. Neo


      Dunno, ask yer mum what she can afford.

  3. I'd just give it its own divider down there. In a decent spot, but not an off-putting one.
  4. It doesn't make much sense in the member info tab. I'd suggest placing it lower.
  5. Braum is strong. Erick plays Braum. Erick get strong like Braum.
  6. Braum is monster. Don't fuck with Braum. Fight like ram.
  7. I wanted to play Nami and that asshole Draven banned her first. Don't fucking ban/pick a champ when I wanna play 'em.
  8. Baby Vayne through early game with Snowballs, Turn her into a fucking demon with Blood boil late game. We fuckin' two manned Baron before fighting in the game-winning fight.
  9. Didn't we have a convo about good habits & shit in this thread before?
  10. From last night. I'm Mr. Dive your shit.
  11. Files were already datamind, bruh. DJ Sona bois
  12. Did you duo with someone when you got placed? Gratz anyway, m8y.
  13. tbh, I always go Talisman > Frost Queen's on her, but that's because I run flat AP runes to give her early game some umph.
  14. It's 18 songs of straight fire, tbh. Hit up Struggle at the end of it. That's probably more up your alley.
  15. I love Tech, but sometimes you just wanna wile out.
  16. http://www.metromelt.com/music/migos-rich-nigga-timeline/ Straight fire.
  17. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯New Migos TapeπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  18. Children are not a punishment for sex. Children are not a punishment for sex. Children are not a punishment for sex. Children are not a punishment for sex. As for your point about rape. Fetuses that are the result of rape and normal fetuses are biologically the same? So why not allow the mother to carry the baby to term, then just give it up to adoption? OH WAIT, BECAUSE THAT WOULD VIOLATE HER BODILY AUTONOMY. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Something needs to be established here. A fetus is not a person. A fetus is a potential human. To use the 'but it's a person, and therefore abortion is murder' argument is fallacious as fuck as we just saw because you just said abortion would be okay in cases of rape. It's not about the fetus. This is hella wrong. Fuck beliefs. Fuck any sort of religious grounding of the argument. By denying women the right to abortion, you're denying them control over their own fucking body for 9 months. Not only that, but you're affecting the woman's body for the rest of her life. A woman's body is never the same after childbirth. Women's rights is by far the strongest argument for why women should have the right to terminate a pregnancy should they choose to do so.
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