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Everything posted by Neo

  1. It isn't about the level of dependency, but about the fact that the child resides WITHIN another person, and therefore is subject to the governance of that person over their body. By making women carry babies to term, you're denying them BODILY AUTONOMY, which even CORPSES have. Meaning that the woman carrying the fetus would have less rights to their own body than literally any person dead or alive. Do you not see the issue with that?
  2. Bruh. Don't get it fuckin' twisted. If you decide to go through with birthing a child that shit's your burden. If you don't want the child AFTER birthing it, then adoption is always an option. That being said, don't just cherry pick one part of the post. Especially the part about people having bodily autonomy after death. While the child is in the mother's body, it is not, I repeat, not, its own person.
  3. So then, you're just pro-birth. That's the truth behind it. Never mind that the parents might not be ready for the child, never mind the fact some people just don't want kids and shouldn't have to abstain from sex just because of the chance that they might. You see, this shit right here is just wrong. The fetus/zygote/whatever the fuck it is ISN'T its own person until it's out of the pregnant woman's body. If it was its own person, it'd be able to survive without the mother, but that's clearly not the case. The mother has full jurisdiction over what goes down in and on her body, even after she's fucking dead.
  4. Bruh, On-hit WW is one of the most disgusting things in the game. Feral + WE + Bork +Iceborne = GG
  5. Here we go in this shit again. Mael jr. The fact that you even compared Kanye West and Eminem in terms of negative themes in music proves you don't know a god damn thing you're talking about. Kanye's music doesn't endorse crime, drugs, or violence of any sort. Meanwhile Eminem is extremely fucking problematic with the large amount of violence and anti-woman sentiment in his music. The fact of the matter is nobody uses Eminem and other problematic artists as a reason for discrimination against white people, so there's no reason for the same thing to be done on the other foot. Doesn't negate the existence of the school to prison pipeline, the fact that black people (and minorities in general) are discriminated against for having ethnic names (http://newsone.com/2273717/black-unemployment-2/), etc. etc.
  6. You mean like 80% of white musical acts/artists? Why is it an issue when black people do it? First thing's first, we're not looking for white acceptance. We as a people should not have to conform to white ideals of what is acceptable in order to get the respect we deserve. As I've stated before in this thread, gang violence in black communities arose as a RESULT of the conditions our communities are in and are NOT the cause of it. Exceptions =/= The rule Because when speaking about black issues, it's very common for people to do exactly this. They want to whitewash them, and in a sense invalidate our struggle by making it seem like our issues are ones that everyone faces. By stating that the struggles the black community faces belong to everyone trivializes what we go through and makes it that much harder to achieve progress.
  7. I haven't addressed the current state of police actions against black people since the conversation in the 'That Feel' thread. Even I was talking about that, I could definitely draw lines to Minstrelsy and the current state of the black community in this country. Like I've stated before, I recognize that not all white people are racist. Many aren't. In the same way all men aren't misogynists, but benefit from Patriarchy, all white people benefit from racist power structures and social ideas it's as simple as that. I don't see where the dispute is, just as you don't need to defend men for all the horrible shit that's been done by our gender, there's no need to defend white people when it comes to speaking about race. If it doesn't apply to you, cool, keep doing what you're doing, hell, go out and educate other people on it. If it does, then do some serious introspection and try to educate yourself. (Sucks to be generalized though, huh? Try getting that shit on the daily)
  8. What I hear from you every time I bring up race is: GUYS RACISM ENDED IN 1964, DON'T BE SILLY I've never ONCE called you specifically a racist, yet here you are defending yourself. I'm well aware that not all white people are racist, but until you understand the vast amount of racism that occurs in this countries social and political structures, there's no point in having a conversation. Did you forget that convenient little part of the tweet compilation above? We can have convos about why it's wrong to use 'aspie' or 'autistic' as a slur, or that mistreatment of autistic people is an issue, and there you are rallying, praising the person who started the conversation and contributing something meaningful to it. Now that the lens is turned on a group you're apart of, and its behavior condemned you've got a problem. I get it, I was the same way once. Take the chance and the opportunity to educate yourself on the issue and move forward
  9. Except ya know, we've got 400+ years of evidence of this shit, and what two days of looting in all 75 days of Ferguson protests?
  10. http://www.chimpout.com/forum/forum.php http://lmgtfy.com/?q=minstrelsy http://lmgtfy.com/?q=blackface
  11. To move away from the ridiculous comment up there: Y'all know about the Shaw shooting case? Remember the police's story the the kid fired first and then the officer responded with 17 shots of his own, 8 of which that hit? WELL, UNSURPRISINGLY, THE AUTOPSY DOESN'T CONFIRM THE POLICE'S STORY: http://fox2now.com/2014/10/23/live-family-of-vonderitt-myers-to-release-new-autopsy-results/
  12. That's a pretty fucked up thing to say, Owen. Wishing a pandemic on ANYONE has to be some of the most fucked up shit I've ever heard of
  13. What better way to get into Gold than a perfect game with my favorite champ?
  15. So, if you read the Leeg subreddit, then you should know about this, but I'm posting it for everyone else. SONA ULTIMATE INCOMING
  16. Firstly, I have nothing but respect for Uzi, Insec, and the other teammates. I probably should've written what I actually felt about the series rather than just jumping onto a 'Well they threw, but SHR should've let them win' type of deal. I do think pros should be allowed to have some sort of fun when they're playing, sure it's risky, but if they get a couple laughs out of the game I see now issue with it. (e.g. C9 taking Teemo mid earlier this season and actually winning). The guys got a couple laughs out of the bad game with their favorite champs and immediately turned the switch back on to finish the series, which was pretty great of them. I hope SHR doesn't make any roster changes, because I do believe they've got another shot at the title next year.
  17. It was for the sake of breaking the paradox. But yeah, the alternate timeline shit'd happen and you'd only alter that specific branch. No fun.
  18. >Implying you wouldn't have to manipulate space as well to get from your current location to the one you want to be at when you go back. Get this shit outta here.
  19. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/10/whites-riot-over-pumpkins-in-nh-and-twitter-turns-it-into-epic-lesson-about-ferguson/ White kids actually fucking riot over pumpkins and the media talks about how they get 'rowdy'. Black people protest the killing of unarmed teenagers, some do try to loot but most don't, and they're painted at pseudo-terrorists.
  20. Great conclusion to a great season.

  21. SHR earned every inch of dick they fucking got in game 4. SSW was messing around, trying to have a bit of fun with it and SRH decided to say "Nah, fuck you". Good on SSW for putting them in their place immediately after. EDIT: Mata earned MVP. Good on whomever decided that. He was definitely pivotal in keeping the team together.
  22. fuck off with that scrubbing shit

    1. HolyKnight
    2. Maelstrom


      what's wrong now, nubblet.

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