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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I'm digging the new black protag. It moves Kuro and Lucia further from token status
  2. I grinded all the way from 0 LP to my Promos in about 5 hours. Gold V tomorrow, I swear.
  3. Ultimate is pretty much confirmed for Sona by insiders who spilled the beans.
  5. If I turn into a white woman, blame it on yoga.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Hey at least if it's a class there should be some good sights to see?

    2. Pocky


      How bout pumpkin spice?

    3. Maelstrom


      I think a white woman convinced you to yoga.

  6. Go back and read what I said, son. Political views fall onto a spectrum. When he says "I won't classify myself as left or right", he's outright ignoring that. Homeslice didn't even give any sort of indication of what his views are, so settle down there, cowboy.
  7. Yes, yes. Ignore the carefully thought out political spectrum in the name of being a hipster.
  8. This Janna splash is muy bueno. Hawt af
  9. Yeah, see. It's not very funny when it gets to the point that many people live in fear. To you, this may seem trivial, but this is a huge fucking issue. I'd get into it again with you, but we've seen where that discussion has gone.
  10. I came here waiting for Reborn's white people to come out of the woodwork. I am very disappointed. Not a single jar of miracle whip has been posted yet.
  11. An off-duty officer in St. Louis shot an unarmed black child 16 time today. At what point do we acknowledge that we have a race issue in the country?

    1. Arkhi


      At what point is 16 bullets not going to kill someone? Two or three is understandable, but sixteen constitutes a hate crime.

    2. Neo


      An off duty cop, who was working security at a building nowhere near the scene, shouldn't be shooting anyone.

  12. I wasn't aware support for political agendas hinged on whether or not quality video games would come from it. World turned upside down.
  13. If your hentai of choice isn't the purest form of love, we can't be friends.

  14. https://vt.tumblr.com/tumblr_nd3pa8gxnb1qewhh5.mp4#_=_ This shit here got me fucked up. Video evidence that the people did nothing wrong, and yet the cops thought it okay to break the window and taze the guy. The family filed a federal lawsuit, and this video will probably win it for them, assuming the cops aren't in bed with the prosecutor like the Ferguson police department. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/family-sues-hammond-police-over-traffic-stop-violence
  15. >That enemy team >Zhonya's not needed Gotta try to climb back to the top of S1 after going on a huge tilt.
  16. What the fuck, Najin?

  17. God fucking DAMN! Uzi wasn't having ANY of EDG's shit.
  18. Neo


    Best new member.
  19. Neo


    Archive.org provided me with the video static, then I did the rest. I really like the result EDIT: New fave creation tbh
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