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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Tfw I must play Sona for a game.
  2. Even then you'll find that post of the people on Inven agree that white is the stronger group. I'm looking forward to my Samsung x v. Najin finals, though. If Najin can play smart they just might take it.
  3. White is the stronger team in terms of Blue v. White, so Blue winning would be a slight upset.
  4. Doubles with M-Rayquaza and Tornadus. Tornadus loses all of its weaknesses. BUENO
  5. A world where Jessica isn't in SNSD isn't a world I wanna live in.

  6. Chillin with my dog watching K-Dramas. #realniggashit

  7. "Y'all are horrible" -Black Cleaver rushing Lee Sin
  8. Neo


    My proudest fucking moment right here, son. This bad boy's effects (coloring and all that jazz) were made exclusively through data bending no Photoshop involved. So hyped that I was able to get this from the original without any sort of fuck up to the image. #weouthere
  9. Neo


    I'm getting a real kick out of doing this kind of stuff. I'm probably gonna start animating soon.
  10. If it's Cyan then it's fuckin' cyan don't play.
  11. Nah. I'm always like "I'd lowkey suck him up" Anyway..... I guess gratz on to terms with your sexuality homie.
  12. Tristana rushing BT? What the fuck, it's like they didn't want the free win.
  13. Neo


    Fucking did it. VHS ghosting in full effect.
  14. Neo


    I did a little bit of file distortion on the last one to get some of the effects seen here. I was hoping to get a bit of VHS ghosting going on (Where the magnetic tape is fucked up so it shows two pictures at the same time with one that's translucent) I'm hoping to achieve the effect in full force with more practice.
  15. Got my homeboy to gold tonight. I'm one game from promos into it. This was a good night.

    1. Jelly


      you wanna help another homie to gold ;]

  16. American Psycho Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Akira Spirited Away
  17. Won my promos AND I skipped a division. Fuck yeah.

  18. Neo


    It's been fucking FOREVER since I've posted in this thread. Time to break the silence. Lately, I've begun to admire Vaporwave and the aesthetics that come with it. I figured I'd try my hand at making some shit that fits that. Right now, they're all pretty similar because I just wanted to get the styling down. I'll probably post more when I make some I'm happy with. EDIT: Just finished with this big guy here
  19. I went downstairs and found my little brother listening to Kanye West. Mission Accomplished.

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Big Bro Influence alert. Call the medical department.

    2. HolyKnight


      hello, I work for the CDC, we heard there´s a severe case of elder relative influence activity on your home

  20. What are y'all's thoughts on the outcome of the group stages? Personally, I couldn't be happier that both the teams I was rooting for made it out (and from the same group at that.) With the way the Knockout Stage is bracketed, we're probably going to see a NWS - SSB/SSW final.
  21. You'd think someone from a country with a shitty government would be able to empathize. Go figure.
  22. I had signed this petition a while back. I think what the Mainland govt. is doing is really greasy, man. With them losing their grip over in Mainland China, they want to do everything they can to suppress democratic movements in HK, but I don't see it workin' out for them.

  24. Strange Fruit hangin from the top of the trees

    1. KingRyan


      like.....kumquats? OH or durians?

    2. Brockze


      friend stop with the Yeezus

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