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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Lux doesn't really have mana issues after Athene's, so there's no real reason to overload there. Also, you may be level 10, but it's never too late to develop good farming habits. 80 farm 40 in ain't gonna cut it later on.
  2. New Ori splash looks great, though the portrait version in game looks weird. I'd love it if her other splashes got that treatment, they're pretty bad.
  3. Crazy to see how there aren't nearly as many votes this time around. Anyway If that truly is the case, where are these people in the discussion? Why haven't they voted yet? We can't make decisions around purely hypothetical people.
  4. Curse who?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 片思い
    3. Shamitako


      Um, Mael, you're supposed to use a W question thingy >:c

    4. nevs


      Curse Where?

  6. But he's not a pro player. And I'm liking what Riot's showing of the Raka rework. http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/champions-gameplay/BTP5uwf1-this-rework-is-going-to-be-bananas-soraka-rework-preview-and-discussion
  7. Don't put words in my mouth, fuccboi. If the ONLY reason why you're worried is because of the person's race, then yeah, you're fucking racist. If there are other factors contributing to the danger of the situation, then no of course not.
  8. You can keep using it, but if you do happen to get another freeze, it won't work until the first one thaws. Cuz smogon > Reborn in Gen 6 Also I'm down to either participate/co-host if you still need it.
  9. Akali splash change? I'm really gonna miss the side-boob.
  10. DOOT DOOT NEW GAME MODE INCOMING! http://boards.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/champions-gameplay-feedback/mE0AKGAQ-ascension-game-mode-coming-soon-to-pbe
  11. Perhaps if you tried to discuss why you don't like him...
  12. Skin amount isn't factored in for the Victorious line. It's about champs that had a huge impact on that season. She's definitely earned it this season. I wonder who's gonna get the Championship skin this year. edit: Page 100 get
  13. Perfect game but I bet that map was darker than Wesley Snipes EDIT: Feels good to actually give a shit about playing again. On a side note: Why do all these supports have their ADs traumatized?
  14. Bottom tier flightless bird - 4/10 Pls upgrade to Ostritch or Penguin
  15. THAT'S THAT SHIT I DON'T LIKE ᴮᴬᴺᴳ ᴮᴬᴺᴳ﹗

  16. ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

  17. Less back and forth for years and more like Palestine's been there since the Roman empire was a thing, and because the world felt bad after the holocaust, we told them to take a hike.
  18. While I don't agree with Hamas' tactics, I fully support the Palestinian people reclaiming the land that was taken from them.
  19. Neo

    Le New

    Welcome to Reborn. I enjoy that wet loli you posted
  20. So when can we begin the vote on if he keeps Ace or not?
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