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Everything posted by Neo

  1. The autopsy report didn't prove the cop's innocence, where the fuck did you get that? There are two possible conclusions from the autopsy results, so don't start misconstruing facts to support your viewpoint on the matter.
  2. Replies in bold, and I apologize for fucking up the page formatting.
  3. Unless 58+ people vote 'no, no wifi clause', I think it's safe to say that it'll be implemented in some form.
  4. There wouldn't be riots because the cop would've been arrested. But because it's a black child that was killed, people fish for all kinds of excuses. 'He was a thug' 'He's from the ghetto anyway' 'He would've committed a crime anyway.' That's the problem.
  5. In the same vein that moody and evasion are banned, Wifi clause should be enabled. It's about minimizing the game of chance and giving both players as close to an even field as possible.
  6. Please, for the love the god. Present an argument other than 'I/other people don't like it'
  7. 4 people cannot be used for any major measure when the server has 60+ people on average. If the person doesn't want team preview, they don't have to ladder on the default ladder. The issue here is that the vast majority of people expect certain things from any ladder worth its salt, and one of them is Wifi clause.
  8. You =/= a lot of people. What really end up happening is that people get here, then they like to latch onto 'muh rebarn culture' (Again, something I'm guilty of in the past), and oppose any sort of change. Progress, in the right direction mind you, is good. This is a change that we should welcome in order to foster the growth of Reborn.
  9. I encourage y'all to watch this interview with Killer Mike. He raises some very good points relating to the discussion that's occurred over the last few pages.
  10. Welcome to Reborn. p.s.I'm a grill ;^)
  11. Nah, b. I keep up with all sorts of shit, it just wasn't 100% relevant to the discussion at hand, that being increased militarization of police and the problems it poses to citizens. The shit that goes down with cops getting away with killing innocent people whether they be black, mexican, asian, or white pisses me off.
  12. Golly, thanks for the contribution. The discussion is finally settled, wow, such a decisive final word.
  13. Bruh, in the past I was the one of it then THE biggest supporter of "keep reborn different", however being for the sake of different can only get a community. Adopting a standard doesn't make you a sheep, it gives you room to grow by making the community accessible. It opens up our userbase to a wider array of people AND pushes reborn that much closer to being the big community that it wants to be.
  14. Okay, since it's clear some of y'all are missing the point. Unless that button is pressed, you DO NOT have to use Wifi clause. It won't affect anything BUT that one button and the battles that occur when its pressed.
  15. You seem awfully okay with the increased militarization of police forces across America. Also, while they DO have vehicles like that in Afg, they don't fucking put all the bells and whistles on them like the one shown in the pic. Notice the retweet "We didn't equip our MRAPs like this in Afghanistan"
  16. Yeah, because we had them keep Clear Skies alive last gen. No, that's fucking silly. We've got an opportunity to NOT repeat the mistakes of last gen, so I say we take the chance and jump forward.(Despite being one of the biggest people against it, I can soundly say that the weather ban should've made its way to OU) The ONLY arguments for wifi thus far have been "I don't like it" or "I don't like AO". It's clear that Wifi clause is the standard in the Pokemon world, a standard that transcends tier differences, so it makes perfect sense for Reborn to adopt this standard.
  17. It seems like a certain someone in this thread is less pro-no preview and more anti-AO, which is really shitty reasoning when it comes to policy change. The default OU ladder needs to have wifi clause, otherwise nothing will come of it.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hwXwEWmAqvE THE PLOT THICKENS
  19. Protestors =/= Looters Most people in the community are opposed to looting, don't start misconstruing things.
  20. You don't just aim your fucking gun at something you don't intend to shoot. And making history, Amnesty International observers are on the ground in the US for the first time ever. If the announcement comes out tomorrow, and that cop isn't going on trial, then I fear for the worst.
  21. It is real. Coke's started pushing out their products in all containers with League champs to hype up the Korean finals
  22. So, about him charging that cop.
  23. Neo

    Pure BS

    What are IVs and Stats?
  24. Autopsy lines up with testimonies that he put his arms up and surrendered to the police. It's also funny how the reason for arresting him changed from "He was in the street" to "He robbed a gas station". EDIT: The National Guard has been ordered to Ferguson. Shit is about to hit the fan.
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