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Everything posted by Neo

  1. It's a fucking kids movie. What are you expecting? For fuck's sake, you're not smart for poking holes in a movie intended for children.

    1. anethia


      we expect 10/10 quality broadway movies designed for the most intelligent people ever in the planet. Of course we reaise it's a kid movie we're joking around.

    2. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      I just hate the voice acting. Everything else was expected.

  2. Could've sworn you were trying to round up all the black guys of Reborn.
  3. Bruh, witnesses from all around are giving testimonies that conflict 100% with the police report. Shit, they still don't know if it was him in the gas station. How the fuck was he supposed to get 3 1/4 miles away from the place he robbed in six minutes?
  4. There are a number of inconsistencies with the police report and what actually went down. My bullshit senses are tingling, and it wouldn't be the first times the Ferguson police would be caught lying. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/15/the-day-ferguson-cops-were-caught-in-a-bloody-lie.html
  5. Riot is trying to fine Regi for a bullshit unwritten rule. They need to work on their fucking communication, because this last second shit of "Oh hey, something's changed" is getting annoying.
  6. The St. Louis police department is being pulled out of Feguson, after the chief of police condemned their actions. The Missouri Highway Patrol will be taking over monitoring the situation.
  7. doublepostbecausefuckthequotebook I'm glad to see that somebody in St. Louis has the backing of the police.
  8. Actual rounds have been fired on civilians near the city hall.
  9. The riots ended Sunday. Protests have since replaced them, and they've been met with further aggression. Ain't that some shit? Fast forward to 9:35 there. They requested backup before detailing the fucking shooting http://vt.tumblr.com/tumblr_na3itmUVZp1tdg2rz.mp4#_=_ They went UP INTO people's houses to make arrests https://vine.co/v/MYXPAb9XIqZ https://vine.co/v/MYwwrHDw5pX http://bluenationreview.com/breaking-hacktavist-group-anonymous-releases-dispatch-tapes-michael-brown-shooting/ Rough transcript of the scanner video. But yeah, this is a totally reasonable response to "riots".
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Dude, you should listen to the logs Anonymous released. They give a nice perspective of how fucked up the situation is.

    3. Neo


      I posted it in the Soapbox thread a while ago, actually.

    4. Bearadactyl


      I've been dark for a while, so I came back to a flood of all of this news.

  10. No, closed for business, go home
  11. Old clothes smell the best

  12. Oh Captain, My Captain!

  13. She's got an extra finger, but Riot hasn't cared about finger accuracy in the past. Look at poor Alistar.
  14. Those knuckles look familiar Veigar my ass.
  15. > 12 deaths Bruh, the sun can't die. Stop posting photo shopped shit.
  16. In a shocking turn of events, I'm gonna agree that we need wifi clause on the ladder. At this stage in the game, it'd be foolish to go further without it.
  17. You're being trolled by these two, and honestly, it makes me sick. To get on the Reborn Pokemon Online server, you'll need to send a 3 page essay (attached in an email) to Amethyst (RainandStripedUndies@pokemonreborn.com) detailing your experience with Pokemon and why you want to be a member of Reborn. She'll read it and send you a link to a timed application where you will put in your info. It should take less than 24 hours for a response. Once it goes through, you'll be a full fledged member of Reborn! Happy battling.


    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      [Claps and Applause]

  20. Yeezy taught me.

  21. I really wish white kids would stop trying to act "black". Shit's annoying.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I wish everyone would have some more self respect and maturity, but that's too much to ask in this world I suppose.

    2. Neo


      That's a pretty different topic from having your entire existence boiled down to a few tropes for people to mimic. Only ones that are perceived as good, of course. Can't have any of the bad ones.

  22. Mega-Gengar being banned from Ubers. THE PROPHECY HAS BEEN FUFILLED.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Magus


      Smogon has hit new levels of stupidity

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      So.. why is it getting banned? Because of perish song + shadow tag? I don´t really follow the news, so I don´t really know what´s going on xD

      Simply pwn that thing in three turns then O___o I mean it´s not really that bulky or anything like that. Isn´t the point of ubers to play with pokemon that are too broken for other tiers?

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