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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Neo

  1. So many fangirls on my dick, I'm like yare yare daze

  2. Urgot will soon take over the league
  3. Neo


    You two can discuss the topic without coming off as disrespectful, cool it.
  4. Neo


    It makes sense half the time because it's incredibly vague int he way that it predicts things.
  5. The time of Urgot is upon us.
  6. Riot fucking hates Shaco. There's no doubt in my mind.
  7. "Waaaah, why aren't these people on the internet being nice to me"
  8. This is why online backups and external HDDs are important. Guess you're spending an extra 6 months as an apprentice.
  9. So long as the $2000 doesn't put you guys in a compromising position, I'd say go for it. It's a unique experience, and you'll probably never get to travel to NY for that low again.
  10. Don't forget that they're adding a barrier on the new SR that won't let you leave until 00:15. Less setup time for the clown prince.
  11. Atm my only gripe with the timers is that they add more information on an already cluttered screen. And the video of that guy is rather whiny. Sure, smurfing is an issue in lower levels, but to say that the game itself is hostile to new players is stupid. League is supposed to be easy to learn and hard to master. If that dumbfuck couldn't figure out the little things and build from the recommended build, then that's a fault all his own.
  12. This was on NA. I changed my client's locale because I found that I preferred the Korean VOs after playing some games over there.
  13. The spirit of OGN flows through me.
  14. You ain't getting shit from me.
  15. Based is how you feel inside.

  16. Neo


    Never. And I mean ever. Fight someone on school grounds. The charges you could get slapped with ain't worth it. Real talk, say something back. Odds are they're too bitch to do anything. Gotta speak up otherwise they're gonna keep doing it.
  17. Neo


    That'd be cool and all, but it looks grimy, you're gonna get him in more trouble than he is now, and it's gonna look bad on him as a whole. Real talk, just step up and tell 'em you ain't a punk ass. If they got an issue, and it has to go to hands, you go to hands.
  18. Neo


    Never stoop to a fuccboi's level. Show confidence and don't let them fuck with you.
  19. Julian's dumb ass wouldn't stop trying to solo baron.
  20. So you're a grade A dick, then? Fucking with a place that banned you only makes you look like a sad asshole with nothing better to do (Source: People who fuck with Reborn)
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfoK-Z7EADc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMUJl9xo3Wk Got damn
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