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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I saved Reborn from being hackered, and this is the thanks I get.
  2. Don't make me ping you in cmd.
  3. It's actually somewhat common now, I've seen it done quite a bit in LCS matches.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Welp I am losing Fantasy this week lol.

    2. Shanco



    3. Raindrop Valkyrie
  5. Battlefield is a FPS. Call of Duty is a FPS. The concept is the exact same. Doesn't mean that they're not two different beasts, with different people at the helm. CoD's historically had an issue with balancing shotguns, so why don't they take Battlefield's approach to them? Because what works for one may not work for the other, and you can't apply a one size fits all solution to an entire genre.
  6. It's what the rift was intended to be, but Riot didn't have to means to make it happen. What about it is butchered? It's perfectly aligned thematically with the rest of the game.
  7. IF AMERICA CAN GO TO THE MOON WHY COULDN'T THE USSR? Different fucking playing fields. Different fucking games. League's also a far more dynamic game than Dota. Constant changes to shift the game here and there, items constantly changing, new champs constantly being released, AND a vibrant competitive scene that's gotta be dealt with. I think Riot's doing an excellent job on balancing the game as they go, but eh, if some random guy thinks he can do better than people who sit around all day and balance the game, more power to him.
  8. Diana was talking shit. Didn't stop the bitch from hitching on my back tho.
  9. Twenty minutes in we're getting our asses handed to us. (Laning didn't end up ~24). We're contemplating surrender until Jack kicked it into beast mode and became Raid Boss Amumu. Too hype.
  10. Messing around on telnet/bbs servers is so much fun. I wish I could've been around to use 'em when they were on and poppin'

  11. Took Braum out for a spin. Oh, boy.
  12. Superior being moving through
  13. That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works.
  14. Why gear large aspects of the game when the point of the game was to be more difficult than the mainstream games.
  15. Taking the timeline into consideration, Kanto is the clear victor. They're the only country with recent military experience, and as such a combat trained and hardened military.
  16. Typically, I choose a theme, and that's how names are chosen. Lately, it's been Hindu gods, specifically the 1000 names of Vishnu
  17. http://www.militaryfactory.com/battles/french_military_victories.asp Pick through that and find a legit retreat that wasn't an outright loss in a "vital war" (Meaning the existence of the country was on the line [Hint you won't find one]) Don't tone police me in an attempt to take some bullshit self-made high ground.
  18. That doesn't make the stupid shit you said any more valid. As for "take your own advice", I'm not the one lacking knowledge on the subject, you are. Typically, if you're going to speak on a topic in a situation like this it helps to know what you're fucking talking about. Odds are you heard this from the Simpsons, but it was completely satirical. If you heard it from another source, then it could be hard to tell if they're serious or not.
  19. Then it might just be a glitch, I'm sure boss lady will take care of it.
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