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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Sounds like you've had your status privileges stripped.
  2. You say that like it's a long strenuous process to do it. From installing the homebrew to installing the mods on your PS3, the entire process takes all of 30 minutes. Let's not pretend we're better than others because of how they choose to fuck around. As long as the mods aren't used to ruin the game for others, it's all good.
  3. Don't argue with them. You're trying to move a mountain with a breeze, it's not gonna happen. Most of the time, it's best to keep quiet, respectfully agree, and go about your business.
  4. >Toxic FPS that is CoD You do realize that it's a matter of who you're playing with on that game, right? Find some people that don't spend the game being complete shitlords, play with them, and you'll find that most of the unsavory characters are gone. They typically reside at the lowest levels of play, where it's easiest to troll/be a fuck in general. Find a good clan, play with 'em, ride them up the clan boards, and watch the way your games go do a complete 180.
  5. And what do you do to the android users who are actually willing to learn/contribute? Do we shoot someone moving towards us before we know their intent?
  6. No, Fern has always been a fucking douche. He'd "disconnect" during gym battles only to come back with a different team during the rematch.
  7. come meet me in Frankfurt in June
  8. >Countless The French gained their "reputation" for surrender during WW2 after they had surrendered to Nazi Germany (This doesn't even count the insane amount of propaganda put out by the British prior to the Napoleonic wars). However, people tend to ignore or not know (much like your post illustrates) that the French have a long history of military badassery. You can go to as far back as the days when they were known as "Gaul", and they were the only people to defeat Atilla the Hun in battle. Up until the pre-WWI climate came over Europe, it can be easily stated that France was in the running for world hegemony (You can even say that they retained it for quite some time). Post WWI, the French ceased their power grabs, but to be fair to them, most of Europe had as well. HEILDEUTSCHLAND. Now, when we see people making fun of the French, be it here or abroad, we have to factor in two things that I mentioned earlier, and one thing that hadn't been mentioned. When an American is making fun of the French, you can typically attribute it to one of two things, their surrender in WW2, and the French government's refusal to become involved in Iraq. (Ever heard of Freedom Fries?) When it's abroad, odds are it's a mix of years of British propaganda, and again, the surrender during WW2. This doesn't change the fact for the longest time the French had a reputation for being some of the scariest fuckers ever. Please, read a bit before blatantly stating lies about an entire country. (Hell, this is coming from the guy who regularly bags on the French.)
  9. Yeah, she was in a car accident like three years ago. She's dealt with memory loss ever since. If you look around hard enough you should be able to find the "Get Well" card we made her.
  10. NA Riot has already shown support for Curse Voice, and they've also said that they'd make it more than clear if they change that. Odds are anyone using Curse Voice is okay.
  11. They already do. If there's an issue with a host there's always a topic stating there'll be a holdup. I don't do League often, but it seems like every time the line host is gone, their backup is nowhere to be found. If someone's job is to be there to help out when the main guy can't, and they never can, then they don't need to be doing the job. This isn't even touching on the overly padded Auth list that we've got atm.
  12. That would imply usefulness out of most of the people with a plus sign, and that isn't true.
  13. The auth that this is vaguely addressing weren't the ones telling the user to kill themselves. The auth are angry for an issue that wasn't addressed in the OP. It was a regular user who said what was said. I feel like if the post is going to call out the auth, then it either needs to address the issue properly, or omit it altogether, because as it stands, it doesn't contribute to the topic in any way.
  14. Couldn't you say the same goes for someone going out of there way to rile someone up? (Sure, not in this case, but it's clearly an issue as it was mentioned in the OP)
  15. Can you repeat the bug? If not, then it was just a small hitch on your end. (Remember kids, reproduce errors twice before reporting them)
  16. Here we go again with the "muh next episode" shit.

  17. Never trust a guy that wears a braided belt.

    1. Skeleton


      Who the fuck wears a braided belt.

    2. Neo


      You'd be surprised.

  18. Even Weezy is aware that he fucked up, man. Hopefully, he'll find some redemption with Carter IV before he retires.
  19. No, you suck and hurt my feelings.
  20. They go up to "One with Arceus", btdubs.
  21. I can't stand Hopsin. Homeboy is fixin' to be 30 years old, and he raps like a fedora wearing 13 year old. You want raw? Try this freestyle straight out of the dungeon.
  22. Bottom of the page. It also comes up for someone with a banned IP. (Source: ... ;_; )
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