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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Cocaine Pinata - Freddie Gibbs x Madlib
  2. Clearly, most of it was acquired post-lane.
  3. Weedle (with an everstone) and ChingLing. Get it done.
  4. Neo

    am doj

    Welcome back, Doj.
  5. ¡uɹoqǝɹ uo ǝɯᴉʇ ɹnoʎ ʎoɾuǝ noʎ ǝdoɥ I ˙puɐʇsɹǝpun uɐɔ noʎ ƃuᴉɥʇǝɯos oʇuᴉ ǝɯoɔlǝʍ ʎɯ ƃuᴉʇɐlsuɐɹʇ ɟo ʎʇɹǝqᴉl ǝɥʇ ʞooʇ I ˙uosɹǝd uɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ 'uɹoqǝɹ oʇ ǝɯoɔlǝM
  6. One of these things is not like the others.
  7. Grinding potion making for that sweet sweet gold :J

    1. Fiammazure


      .___. there are better things to farm

    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Jewelcrafting is better yo

    3. Neo


      Playing Mabinogi, so potion making is pretty good in terms of gold AND Production exp.

  8. When will you learn I'm 100% serious about it?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      If this about the pig thing, in Graterras's case it is a race that makes sense in my world, I can't just shoehorn it in without it seeming weird or out of place. I also already have 12 Player Races, and am not too keen on adding more since it might get too overwhelming. I really hope sometime you are allowed to do a character like that if you really want to. (I am sorry if I kinda blew you off with out explaining it in the OOC, since I probably came off as a jerk. And for that I apolo...

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      that should be doesn't make sense, not that it does, if it did I would allow it. Can't edit these for some reason.

  9. RP forum here sucks. Pure discrimination against talking pigs

  10. Or, maybe the fact that I've been here for 3 fucking years, and was known to push the limits of the rules (At the time, doesn't really happen now) would explain it. Now maybe if I've been here for less than 4 months, yeah sure, that's an issue, but that's not the case (Been a year since I've got a warning anyway). Don't need to preach, I'm well aware that I was a fuck up.
  11. 1) The staff that are in charge of the more important things can see it, so it doesn't really matter. If a user doesn't want people to know when they last logged on, then that's their business. (I personally find the whole profile creeping weird and sus) 2) More often than not, the mods will post something expressing their discontent with the user's actions, so again ignoring the notification doesn't make a difference. Especially because the next time they post, they'll see that their counter has gone up and see (Which they're probably aware of anyway) why it went up. For instance, I have 6 warning posts, and not once have I needed to see why I got warned. I was very aware of where I fucked up (Granted, newer users might not, but mods almost always issue a verbal warning as I stated earlier). The feature isn't exactly useful.
  12. Might wanna hit up them RMT guidelines, homie.
  13. Iced Tea and the sex noises of Japanese women.
  14. Welcome to Reborn. If you need any info about the community feel free to pm me or (one of our slightly less than spectacular mods)
  15. 'Sup. You don't need to put your trainer card in your sig, because it's there by default. As for the 'shit talk', it could be an issue, could also not. Depends on how you go about it, ya dig? If you need any info on the community, feel free to hit up my inbox, and I'll get you squared away.
  16. *Dazza it's Dazza now, get it together.
  17. Welcome to Reborn! I think you posted in cosplay thread, it was pretty dope. I'd use the overplayed, often misquoted sanity joke, but I've hsd enough of it. Enjoy your stay~
  18. Uh huh honey :^)

  19. I'll set right whatever I see wrong. Got a problem, take it up with me in PM.
  20. Welcome to Reborn. This the 2nd best intro I've ever read on this site, so tou've got that going for you. (P.S Y'all need to take the circlejerk out of the intro threads, welcome the new guy, don't use this shit as a chatroom. Mods should know better)
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