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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Lee Soon Shin<3

  2. Because reworking older champs is higher priority than reworking a champ that's been out for less than a year and a half.
  3. It's only a PBE test, and could be reverted. Don't celebrate yet.
  4. "Got me hard af in class, so I had to change it"
  5. Neo

    Member Title

    Magikarpkiller, the surrender monkey.
  6. Neo

    Reborn Banner

    The banner reflects the game's art style though..... I've got a custom css for Reborn, so I don't see it except for when I'm updating it and I turn it off. The only thing about the banner that I would say is poorly executed would be Luna's eye. Otherwise, I see no real reason to complain, but if you can do better, do so.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEZ-e6tBigY This beat is fucking filthy. Kanye meets trap.
  8. Been on a Kanye kick the past few days. Listening to MBDTF today, starting to understand where the whole Greek tragedy theory came from. This album's a fucking masterpiece.
  9. My main focus that game was keeping Kassadin down. He wanted to play harass heavy, which is understandable against a Fiddlesticks, so I devoted my time to giving him all sorts of shit in lane. Farmed when I got a chance, but between forcing him out of lane, roaming, and giving Jarvan hell in the jungle, there wasn't much time. I even got 4 man ganked 4 times within a span of a few minutes in an attempt to stop me from being absolutely everywhere. I'll gladly trade total map control for a couple creeps.
  10. > Says the guy who voted for France Napoleon is know as a incarnation of the antichrist for a reason.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0FtrbhfhWg Since it's College Dropout's 10th anniversary, I've been listening to Kanye today.
  12. It's the raw burst, and the wtf factor from being 100-0'd by a Tristana in a second or so. edited in: First time Middlesticks. Mom came down because I was yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" so much.
  13. Barrier Mundo is perfectly acceptable. Dyrus runs it pretty often .
  14. Wasn't the original threshold for posts on Ace member 1000? I feel like that'd be a much better starting point, considering the post rates of the newbies that do stick around for more than a few posts. It gives them time to get in touch with the community, get known by those already within it, and gives them something to work for. A lot of these guys could crank out 500 posts no problem, and even if it takes them ~3 months to do it, they're still relatively new in terms of the community. I probably should've given my two cents in the other thread for this, but /shrug.
  15. Busch Gardens today. That was some fun shit. So hyped for Didney Worl tomorrow
  16. R-roo. We need to talk about your idea of a support Lulu build.
  17. Nah, it's just you. He looks pretty awesome
  18. That reposted feel when I have to IP grind because I wanna get a bunch of runes.
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