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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Went to Cocoa beach today. Had a really fun time. Took a bunch of pics, texted some chicks, at some food, 8/10 would do again. The water was cold as shit, but what can you expect in February?
  2. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jarettwieselman/jerry-seinfeld-on-diversity-in-comedy-who-cares-are-you-maki Seinfeld telling it like it is.
  3. (What does that say about him?)
  4. Wasn't talking to you. They know who they are.
  6. badformatting/10 (Speaking of bad formatting, AME THIS TC! At least center them)
  7. Fuck you. That's all I've gotta say.
  8. Nah. Reset that bitch and keep walking. It's way too much of a hassle.
  9. "We have a better late game, it's okay"
  10. Y'all need to stop fucking begging. Thirsty ass bitches..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Buy me Ace membership, Neo!

    3. diana


      buy me a life

    4. Slicster


      Buy me some heart strings

  11. Welcome to Reborn, I guess. {Insert shitty sanity joke that most new guys get wrong anyway}
  12. Neo

    Member Title

    Cowtao, that guy I hear about. No need for a title for me. I'm a master fairy.
  13. The only time I enjoy the server is when it's just me and nyu.

  14. What happened to the server? There are more than 30 people on

  15. Singing out the silencer with more violence than Heil Hitler

  16. He's an intentionally shitty character? What's the beef?
  17. tfw I like my name change but everyone else is like "Where's the Durty tho" ;_;
  18. I can't force you to like the role, but I do have a few quips. If you're not playing Leona/Thresh/Taric/Sometimes Lulu not being tanky is pretty much the norm for supports. However, the tools they bring to teamfights make it so that they don't NEED to be tanky. Sona, for example has a devastating ultimate combined with stat boosts all around. Same way a healer/clearic in any other game works for the squad. Doesn't mean that their impact can't be influential. Nor does it mean that they can't carry. Supports who end up climbing are those who know just how much control to take every game. If anything, your team relies on you. It can be a little annoying to have to deal with vision, especially when you're actively warding like you should, but for the most part, all it takes is asking people to pick up a ward or two, or even just upgrade their trinket and place it. Support is the role of the people, communication is key. #can'thelpyouthere Perhaps in the hell known as Bronze. But for the most part, I've been treated like the star player of the team when I support. If someone has an issue with me, it's typically because they got a case of the ass when I asked them to ward/respond to pings. Consider yourselves Zenith Bladed.
  19. The fact that 2 ADCs can take full advantage of it ( Twitch and Varus, cuz let's be honest a PD is better on Corki) makes it entirely niche, mang.
  20. Because in the real world opinions fucking matter no matter how much people would like to pretend they don't. "Better to be quiet and be thought dumb than to speak and perish any doubt."
  21. It works in extremely niche situations. So niche it really shouldn't be considered core to anyone.
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