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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. See, you said right items but then you built a Runaan's.
  2. > Involved in a stagnated inflated economy Have fun m8.
  3. I swear the whole world could feel you emcee~

  4. Keep yer head up, RinaBin. You've got my skype if you wanna talk. (It worked btw)
  5. Flex harder, son.

  6. Got three years on ya, son, name's mine. But we can battle if you'd like, not like I'm rusty, I battle/theorycraft quite a bit in my spare time.
  7. So by that logic, the police shouldn't have guns because they can turn into non-law-abiding citizens as well. There never was a point in history where people who obeyed the law of the land were outnumbered those who don't, with the exception of revolutions (Which, the people of those lands deemed those laws to be unjust anyway). Pulling guns off the table has shown to only worsen violent crime conditions, while areas with large amounts of civilian gun ownership have shown to be the among the most peaceful in the nation.
  8. Because if you don't know if someone is packing heat, you're less likely to commit crime. You're not gonna rob someone when there's over a 50% chance that they'll be able to pull a glock on you. A gun in the hands of a law-abiding citizen is one of the best anti-crime tools you can have.
  9. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a prime example of why an armed populace is a good thing
  10. I'm crying. Yet another Super Bowl slips away from the Patriots
  11. In terms of design, Quinn and Nami are up there (Even after Riot fucked Quinn's splash), but Elise takes the cake for me. The whole legs coming out of her back thing is just umph.
  12. Y'all need to slow the hell down. All up on Ame's D like it's made of candy. It'll get fixed, but in the meantime, chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill
  13. Neo


    I can tell you what's gonna happen with that banner. #pigswag
  14. That bate material banner

    1. Amethyst
    2. Magus


      what the actual hell is that.

  15. newethnicprotagshooraydiversityexcepttheirhairislikeitwaschoppedoffofawhitescenegirl'shead Might be time to actually play the game.
  16. > No middle road How about not fucking touching gums Criminals will find a way to break the law. Can't punish the law abiding citizens
  17. My waifu isn't gonna be happy about this.
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