Normal Pokemon: Zord
Mega Form: Megazord
Base Stats: #2stronk/#2stronk/#2stronk/#2stronk#/#2stronk
Movepool: So fucking huge it'd be a waste of time to even write it down
Why this mofo should be banned: Much like his brothers Ninja Megazord, Shogun Megazord, Thunder Megazord, and Dino Megazord, his powder is the a combination of all the components used to make him. With the combination of zords we're given in this form, there's no way anyone will be able to deal with it once it gets into battle mode. It's speed as well as attacking stats make it arguably the best sweeper in the game. However, his sweeping potential is multiplied by his access to Power Sword as seen here:
In addition to these fantastic sweeping stats, it's bulky as well due to its access to Mastodon Shield (If a parent was a Mastodonzord that is) as seen here:
We can plainly see from these images above that Megazord MUST be banned to ubers before he absolutely crushes OU.