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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Gotta fix the clock, but it's sooooooo sexxxy.
  2. You people know nothing until you've spoken to Doj.
  3. First member of the church of krepo
  4. Based Krepo tearin' shit up. Best Leona NA.
  5. [it's been a thing for a while tho]
  6. They're considering making the stun scale with level. This'd be nice, since then it would nerf her in a duo lane, but keep her decent mid lane.
  7. To commemorate the fucking end of this god awful semester and to being off of work for the next 3 weeks, I'mma stream just about every day until Jan. 4. Stream schedule is as follows: Minecraft Private server antics with my crew: 1:00 pm MST League of Dongers: 3:00 pm MST Mario Yoshi's fucking island: 7:00 pm MST Whatever the fuck follows: 8:00 - 'Til I'm bored of talking to you losers. Suggestions, recommendations, want to join in the shenanigans, post 'em. Woo, half-assed post.
  8. This isn't that kind of lol. And you better call the cops, and gtfo from your house for a bit. He'll be back.
  9. That feel when one thing led to another, and I wound up in a Skype call with a group of Russian guys, and they really like me. That feel when I've been going up against Mid Gold - High Plat all night, and have been giving them the business.
  10. I caved and got Borderlands 2, Mael ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jelly


      sexy siren lady all day errday

    3. Khayoz


      It's okay Jazce :( Zer0 buddies 4 lyf

    4. Ikaru
  11. When you jungle, you can force a lane to snowball. Which is what makes it so effective.
  12. Straight up, jungling is what I've found to work the best if you're not willing to trust your team. Otherwise, just get good at what you wanna do, and you'll climb. Take advantage of the preseason confusion for easy climbing. That way, in February, you'll get placed higher.
  13. Neo


    I'm the prettiest little elf girl, tell me otherwise, and you'll get fucked up, son.
  14. Nope. If you've got a brand, you HAVE to protect that brand. Riot's players are an extension of the company just like players of any other sport.Other sports associations have restrictions just like this, so it only makes sense for Riot to follow.
  15. My wish fromayearago has come true. No password for anyone. >:J
  16. The enemy team was speechless by the time lane ended.
  17. Lazers are pretty fun to play with.
  18. YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF THIRSTY BITCHES! IactuallyreallywannaknowwhatyouthinkofmeAme,sinceIrespectyoualotandseeyouaslikemyawkwardonlinemotherthatItalktoevenlessthanItalktomyrealmom ,butatleastyou'renotdrunkhalfthetimeish
  19. They changed it. No 3 until after red, if you start blue, wolves, rood doods. No 3 the other way around, too.
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