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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Do you find yourself jungling or mid'ing more?
  2. Neo


    Finishing my G2 quests today so I can get Falcon. I kinda wish they hadn't changed the way to get it, since I was already like halfway done. >:I
  3. It's not racist if they're white right, guys, right? Guys?
  4. Duo-top meta "OP" The cries of Tristana and Thresh could be heard from here.
  5. Because you're the crux of culture and civilization yourself, right? Get off of the pedestal. As for me, my mom gave me a $1000 limit to pick shit that I want from online, so I'll be doing that.
  6. Figured out, for the most part, which supports use which items best.
  7. It's about time they grew in.

    1. Manes


      Not words I would hear regarding wisdom teeth.

  8. Great game, the new mechanics & engine work like a fucking charm. I'd touch more on it, but I've a league match that's about to start.
  9. After Lion King was released, the only movie that has received criticism of any kind regarding Racism/Sexism was Pocahontas. So(Trailing dots leading to nothing)
  10. Lion King came out in '94. Hardly old Disney when they were making shit like Angels in the Outfield at the time.
  11. Who gives a flying fuck about the race of the leader. Not everything has to be diverse enough to represent every possible fucking group. When you're in charge, you can make every color of the god damn rainbow. 'Til then,
  12. Neo


    I remember when the server went to hell. First the gold duping then the outright hacking. However, since Nexon's cracked down on it, it's a much better place. I had just learned how to do it and really wanted to try it out. :c And yeah, no level cap. But the game makes sure that it's got challenging enough stuff around, so that the game doesn't become a 1-hit fest for people who are 500+. One dungeon actually recommends that you be 1k before taking it on solo. It's doable with 8 people, though if you can somehow find a pass for 8.
  13. Neo


    Oh! That reminds me. I play on the Ruairi server. That's kind of an important tidbit.
  14. Neo


    I used to play the shit out of this game. One of my older accounts had a level ~600+ human on it, but I've sine lost it. I've also got an account with an Elf around 100 with an Ostrich and an Ice Dragon. Odds are I'll start playin' it again, since I need to finish my Falcon quests. :c
  15. It's rate your avy not your title nerd. Best Death Noise in-game/10
  16. Typical good Mael taste as per usual. 9/10
  17. If I'm correct I remember a time when you were all over Madoka, Cruss. >> Welcome to Reborn, new person. Enjoy your stay.
  18. Neo


    >Trubbish Touchdown Has a fucking basketball.
  19. You could probably go On-Hit AP TF and have work well too.

    1. diana


      of course when they're wanted they're nowhere to be found

    2. Summer
  21. DS -> 3DS isn't nearly as big of a leap as GBC to GBA. More battle mechanics =/= rehashing of the battle system.
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