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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Except that this game and R/S aren't even in the same field. When R/S came out, GF had changed the game entirely. 30 fps, new battle mechanics, new hardware to play the game on, loss of backwards compatibility, etc. The change from B/W2 to X&Y wasn't nearly as big of a leap, so they've little excuse.
  2. mmmmm loading border. Now to get my team together. To Gold we go! I'm super fucking glad about the ward changes. I just fear for people who don't really have a concept of warding, and then the team's stuck with 3 wards max. Especially because pinks are visible, making it an even bigger bitch when ward wars go down between supports. [if you don't want recognition for something, then don't use words like superior]
  3. Can we get off the fucking Nazis? I'll be using the Gender-neutral pronouns from Futurama. Schclee/Schclim/Schler/Schclis
  4. Neo


    Tried my hand at restoring a picture for my grandad. He loved it. He's the dude on the far right.
  5. /late but >Superior ward coverage m8, that's part of the job description. Not something that deserves a pat on the back.. Btw, for those who haven't already read the thread on leddit or the Surrender@20 article: We'll be doing that soft reset at the start of the 2014 season when everyone's all trained up from the preseason. MORE INFO TO COME NEXT WEEK (er, this week?). And for anyone that asks, "Why play ranked during preseason?" - your standings you get to during the preseason will have an influence on where you initially seed during the 2014 season. We wanted to create a competitive environment for players to stew in during the preseason, but we really didn't want you dictating an entire season's worth of ranked placement during a tumultuous time (BLACK CLEAVAAAAR)."
  6. Fell a division yesterday, but w/e. Games like this make playing worthwhile. We were down to our inhib, and Renekton was raging. I was able to talk him down so that we could focus on the game. We ended up getting two barons to turn it around and win.
  7. What are you talking about? We've got a D- rating from the Better Business Bureau.
  8. You dare oppose the word of your German overlords? Deutschland #1
  9. Team communicated, everyone warded, and Vi even had a sick baron steal. Great game overall. Ilovewatchingtheothersupport'slifedrainawayasImakeitmydutytostarvethebitchofanygoldshe'sgotcomingherway
  10. That feel when Silver, bitches!
  11. I guess you could say that tonight went...... swimmingly!
  12. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dingers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dingers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  13. wrong feel thread. I kinda plan on playing 2 with the silver guys, then 3 with my gold friend. With any luck that should drop me in at the very least low silver.
  14. That feel when my entire team united behind my 4k health to beat back the fed LeBlanc, and her core to win the game from behind. That feel when my bros are going to duo with me in Silver to get me an easy rank, and an easy Silver border. (That other feel when my Gold ADC friend also wants to duo. Victorious Elise in two weeks? Maybe.)
  15. They were trash talking in the beginning saying "lol u guys are bots to us", and other bot-related insults. We thrashed 'em, then threw it back in their face.
  16. Noted. Chose the earlier time with respect to him. Too long. I'll see if I can get my goober friends in on this. Minecraft and nuzlocke sound fun. Placeholder for future edit, cuz mom is a fuckhead and wants iHOP. I'm sure some mod will edit this together because they love me. I'm gonna be using this entire week as a testing period for my stream. I'll make sure the topic is up, but I'll be on tonight at about 6MST. Feel free to give me suggestions on shit I can improve and such.
  17. COME BACK TO LIFE MY USUALLY SEMI-DEAD ANYWAY THREAD! Tomorrow, time permitting, I'm going to be streaming the community's favorite game: POKEMON X! LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! The stream is set to start at around 11 *MOTHERFUCKING EDIT* MST. If any of you goobers want to play, all you've got to do is message me here, and I'll give you the vent info & all that jazz. Half-asleep Erick, u crazy.
  18. Luis, Sora, and myself. Str8 mobbin'. Oh, and Ducky was Warwick, I guess.
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