What the education system doesn't need is a different distribution of classes.
What needs to change is how teachers a paid, how a student's aptitude is assessed, and a shift away from the data-banking style of teaching.
That aside
Class: Cannabis Culture
Class Code: 420C
Classroom: Depending on the school, don't be so cliche
Students 420blazeit, in a safe environment that includes munchies, tons of drinks, and all the Bob Marley posters you can dream of.
Back at the Barnyard, Hello Kitty, SANIC, AquaTeen, Space Ghost, Boku no Pico, Dragon ball GT, The last two episodes of ren 'n stimpy, and only the 11 foot vicinity around the cabbage man's cart in Avatar
Times like that are among the few that I'll give an AP Sona the "thumbs up" because she actually contributed.
Why is there such a big space under your post?