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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Lean up on a square, that's a fucking rhombus

  2. I need some windshield wipers, cuz I can't see through all this swagI

  3. Don't forget that a pretty good number of rocks will actually conduct electricity, even if weakly. As for grass, the fact that it'd be burned/not affect the current doesn't help much.
  4. The main reasoning for Dark/Psychic being weak to bug is because both those types deal with the mind. Bugs happen to be one of Humanity's most primal fears, hence their weakness. Electric not being weak to so many types is because Electromagnetism is one of the 4 essential forces of nature. It binds everything together, and the only thing that can stop it are non-conducting things.
  5. Happy birthday, Lexxxii. I'mma give you a private skype show bbg
  6. W-why do you have a batch file to run Minecraft? And while I'm posting: Whoo! Firefox rice
  7. Damn, nyu that looks really nice. Yeah, it is an MPD frontend. Namely, ncmpcpp. I myself wasn't a big fan of MPD until a friend of mine finally made me cave in and try it out. It's just grown on me at this point. I'm definitely going to have to check out /r/unixporn, the front page alone makes me want to step my game up.
  8. Welcome to Reborn. I'm Erick. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
  9. I'd like to point out that we don't actually have a little cup tier list.
  10. >Playing DS version >Playing Wii Version Step your game up, otherwise you'll never become as strong as Sunkern.
  11. >Don't get your dongers raised Why would we? He's not the Heimerdinger update.
  12. I wasn't aware that Nickaboo was even a member here.
  13. Mega-Venasaur has a Ratatouille thing going on with Sunkern.
  14. I kinda assumed I was c: Go ahead and message me the stuff, so we can start workin'
  15. I've gotta say that John McCain has gained quite a bit of respect from me lately. He's a different man than what we've seen in the past few years. I feel like he's realized that appealing to the absurd beliefs of the rather loud, nonsensical spectrum of the Republican party isn't going to get him anywhere. You could say that "He's just changing to get votes", but I see it as someone finally coming to their sentences http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/john-mccain-maybe-we-should-legalize-marijuana McCain: "Maybe we should legalize. We're certainly moving that way as far as marijuana is concerned. I respect the will of the people" He's listening, which is a big step up from what's going on over on Capitol Hill.
  16. I see Battlecast Blitzcrank and Malphite hiding back there. Riot, step on it!
  17. Neato. Did you want to go in a more minimalist direction like my desktop, or use rainmeter to rice it out?
  18. I streamline what I have by using Openbox.
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