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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Every time you mention PAX, part of my body becomes a jar of Smucker's Jelly.
  2. quote name="Ikaru" post="84414" timestamp="1377842331"] Really? Then maybe my memory of the time frame worlds take place in is wrong... Isn't it in like October/November? Exactly. Elise is this year's champ, so the next skin won't come around until Late October next year.
  3. Except that this won't be coming out until until next year, sooooooooooo
  4. I like expensive pasta. Real expensive pasta.

    1. Summer


      I prefer cheap copied pasta

    2. Godot


      Expesive pasta sauce> expensive pasta

      Mmmm pasta

  5. I know that feel, man. At one point I started being the only guy in the lobby without a gold+ border. It's intimidating, but if you can hang with them it's nothing but learning/experience the whole game. People tend to hide their powerlevel in public, so odds are it's a good mix of LoL players, weaboos, and you being a qt3.14
  6. For Lexxxii. tfw losing so much weight ;_;
  7. Tyrouge, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Combusken, Breloom doesn't even really have arms, Meditite, Medichamp, Riolu, Lucario, Gallade, Scraggy, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Virizion, and Keldeo. All scrawny.
  8. tfw Hark and I weren't even at each other's throats.

    1. Ringabel


      tfw you are not at my throat

    2. Summer
  9. See my above post. This site makes very good points. Thanks. That's a pretty fucking generalizing thing to say. It's also implying that the average hetero, white male is given a slice of an exclusive pie upon birth. Some people, are unfortunately victims of circumstance, but even then it IS possible for any person regardless of gender, sexuality, etc. to work their way up in the world. It's not like some malevolent force is going "Yes, Malik, sell crack. Goood. Goood". You're only as good off as you make yourself. The fact that most of the men/women we see in power are white has nothing to do with the tone of their skin (Perhaps more recently. It'd be unfair of me to denounce/ignore the works of the civil rights movement) . It had everything to do with work-ethic and ability. Yeah, I kinda got that. When I said "Shove your ideology up your ass", I was referring to her. Then it'd make far more sense to encourage the use of the term "Equalism".
  10. I know it's male privilege. That doesn't change the fact that it just cherry-picked issues that it saw as giving males an advantage. I responded as a male to point out how ridiculous it is. Coming from a male. EDIT: Okay, yeah working on the rest of your post.
  11. You can be careless with your money and now have people blame it on your sex Because men are bumbling Neanderthals. Teehee. No, seriously who the fuck cares? You can be a careless driver and not have people blame it on your sex Yeah, you just get called a dumbfuck. Again, this isn't a privilege. Men don't get a free pass to be assholes on the road You can be confident that your coworkers won’t assume you were hired because of your sex I've never seen/heard of someone hiring a woman strictly because she's a woman. Credentials matter, and since when were obviously wrong opinions valid? If you are never promoted, it isn’t because of your sex Was never aware that women only got promoted for having a vagina. You can expect to be paid equitably for the work you do, and not paid less because of your sex Salary varies by experience/credentials. I know women who make more than every man in their office. If you are unable to succeed in your career, that won’t be seen as evidence against your sex in the workplace Yup. Society just looks at us and calls us good-for-nothing bums. A decision to hire you won’t be based on whether or not the employer assumes you will be having children in the near future I've been put in the position to interview people, and never once has this been something I was told to scope out. Work comfortably (or walk down a public street) without the fear of sexual harassment >implying Walk alone at night without the fear of being raped or otherwise harmed Yup, totally gotta not worry about being mugged. Seriously? Go on a date with a stranger without the fear of being raped Yeah, I've never heard of a man getting rape- Oh wait, I have. Surely men never have to worry about waking up in a tub full of ice with scars on their kid- Oh wait, they do. Dress how you want and not worry you it will be used as a defense if you are raped And said defense would get knocked down in court. (Fucking lawyer in training here) If you are straight, you are not likely to be abused by your partner, or to be told to continue living in an abusive household for your children Because their aren't resources to help abused wo- Oh wait, there are. But women can never just take the kids and leave on their own free- Oh wait, they can. You can decide not to have children and not have your masculinity questioned Yup, I just get told that I'm childish/not ready for commitment. If you choose to have children, you will praised for caring for your children, instead of being expected to be the full-time caretaker Yeah, the rising number of “stay-at-home” dads must be bullshit and lies. Surely a woman can't work with chil- Oh wait, they can. Balance a career and a family without being called selfish for not staying at home (or being constantly pressured to stay at home) >IMPLYING If you are straight and decide to have children with your partner, you can assume this will not affect your career The vast majority of work places offer both Paternity and Maternity leave. Hell, paternity leave is way shorter. If you rise to prominence in an organization/role, no one will assume it is because you slept your way to the top Because Oprah fucked a ton of guys to get where they are. You can seek political office without having your sex be a part of your platform Gee, because woman surely hasn't done that be- OH WAIT You can seek political office without fear of your relationship with your children, or who you hire to take care of them, being scrutinized by the press Sarah Palin and her trainwreck =/= Every other woman politician Most political representatives share your sex, particularly the higher-ups Except the number of woman in office is rising. (And since when has being the same sex as the speaker of the house guaranteed a seat? Never.) Your political officials fight for issues that pertain to your sex Yup, because male custody rights is such a hot-button issue You can ask for the “person in charge” and will likely be greeted by a member of your sex Whoopdy fucking doo. A man as a manager. But wait, I've never, nor have ever heard of someone expecting a man. As a child, you were able to find plenty of non-limiting, gender role stereotyped media to view AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yup, Blues Clues was so gender role stereotyped You can not care about your appearance without worrying about about being criticized at work or in social situations Yeah, because unkept men can't be criticized You can spend time on your appearance without having people criticizing you for upholding unhealthy gender norms “Hey pretty boy” If you’re not conventionally attractive (or in shape), you don’t have to worry as much about that negatively affecting your potential “Hey, fatty hit the gym” You are not pressured by peers and society to be thin as much as the opposite sex Yeah, because the fat shaming of men is 100% non-existent You’re not expected to spend excessive amounts of money on grooming, style, and appearance to fit in, while making less money than the opposite sex I'm just expected to MAKE tons of money, and spend it on a nice house, car, tv, etc. Have promiscuous sex and be viewed positively for it I'll concede that one. You can go to a car dealership or mechanic and assume you’ll get a fair deal and not be taken advantage of The moment you open your mouth and show you don't know shit you're getting screwed. Expressions and conventional language reflects your sex (e.g., mailman, “all men are created equal”) WE'RE CALLED FUCKING HUMANS HOLY FUCKING SHIT. IT REFERS TO EVERYBODY Every major religion in the world is led by individuals of your sex Gee, Bronze Age beliefs give me such a privilege. You can practice religion without subjugating yourself or thinking of yourself as less because of your sex ….Yes, we're just viewed as worms beneath the feet of god. And I'd like to point out that in the religion most used for the point (Islam) ALL people are expected to be humble before Allah. Hence why the men wear what they wear. It's not to demean any particular sex. It's a sign of commitment to Allah. You are less likely to be interrupted than members of the opposite sex You've got to be kidding. - See more at: http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2012/11/30-examples-of-male-privilege/#sthash.bdjqbbm7.dpuf Honestly, I can understand the points of view from 1st wave and 2nd wave feminism, but 3rd wave is just plain cherry-picking.
  12. Wouldn't it just be easier to set up an ftp server and manage our downloads like Mozilla does?
  13. Happy b-day, bb. When I get my good laptop back, I'm taking you skin shopping. c:
  14. In all fucking honesty, there's no reason to support Feminism when Equalism is a fucking thing. While I'm on a somewhat related topic to what I'm gonna rant about: So today while in a conversation with a uh "Feminist" (I use that term lightly) I was told that I'm privileged and benefit from the "Patriarchy", and my mom has been oppressed her whole life. Well that shit lit a fire under my ass like never before. Yes, totally, my mother who raised me as a single mom, parents are divorced, was totally oppressed while becoming the head of her own private practice. Yup, every turn of the way she was brought down by vicious men, and that I'm only successful because I'm a man. TOTALLY. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT I WORKED MY ASS OFF TO GRADUATE 3 YEARS EARLY, I HAVE BASICALLY EVERY COMPUTER CERTIFICATION I'LL EVER NEED, HAD A NEAR PERFECT SAT SCORE, BEEN INVITED TO COUNTLESS EVENTS FOR BEING OF HIGH CALIBER INTELLIGENCE, WAS IN NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY, AND WHATEVER THE FUCK ELSE I'VE DONE BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS JUST A DROP IN THE MOTHERFUCKING BUCKET. YES, I'M SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING THING BETWEEN MY LEGS. My mom is obviously a depressed, oppressed, internalized misogynist, because she can't see what's going on around her. She totally raised me to be the perfect oppressor of women. She's a weak-hearted woman who raised 3 kids on her own, and she needs Feminism to realize what a misogynist I've become, and to snap herself out of the oppression. She obviously told me to objectify women, to treat them lesser than myself, why else would I be successful? That's the only way you can get ahead. Oppressing those without "privilege." I'm the oppressive offspring of a German and Puerto Rican immigrant. How's about you stick your ideology up your ass.
  15. I refer you to Oshawott. The biggest troll line ever. "Looks like water/fighting.....Fuck you GF"
  16. Every loss means you could've done something differently. Every single one
  17. In the meantime, I'm sure there are other things for Linux and I to go over.
  18. Could meet me by the lake?~

  19. Hey, chucklefucks. Keep this moving along.
  20. Smurfing is wrong You: 1 Teemo: Every Other Game
  21. No more shitty partners? Thank fucking god. May & Max were Ash's last acceptable companions.
  22. Working on a new startpage. EDIT: Editing in my new desktop to avoid further flood
  23. Except that the only reason why it failed last time was due to the huge public outcry. Congress would've passed it.
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